Author Details

Phil T

Member Since: 27th June 2010
Occupation: internet marketer
No of Articles: 1
About Me: I am the father of three children 2 girls and a boy, a lovely wife who are the cornerstone of my life, without whome I wouldn't have gotten this far.
I studied Ju-jitsu when I started on my Martial Arts journey over 25 years ago which lead me on to my friendship with Masterfu and the rest of my knowledge and different forms of the fighting arts.

I've have been an Internet Marketer for a number of years and have various Joint Venture projects with Masterfu including downloadz2go. I am very motivated and hard working when it comes to our business and always strive to improve myself.

Masterfu and I are also teachers of several Martial arts including Wing Chun Self Defence, Elemental Chi-Kung, Kubotan Defensive Techniques and Knife Defence Techniques to name but a few, between us we have over 50 years of experiance.

One of my main aims is to help people who have difficulty with all aspects of Internet marketing and help them through the process.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my short bio..

Please visit: http//

Take Care
Phil T


04th August 2010

The Movie The Secret

The Movie the Secret is an excellent film in my opinion, it is information that has been passed down though time.Giving everybody the knowledge of the meaning of life.Everyone can have whatever they want, if only they believe in it from the heart. The ...