The Hidden Power

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The Hidden Power
by Connie H. Deutsch

Many years ago I attended a lecture on the power of thought and the speaker was saying that thoughts can be transmitted over vast distances. Take, for example, someone who is so angry with his boss that he thinks to himself, "I could just kill him." That thought is so powerful that someone who is fifty miles away picks it up, turns to someone in a crowd, and shoots him.

That statement was so thought-provoking that it preyed on my mind for several days and I decided to find out more on the subject. I came across a book, "Thought-Forms" written by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater which was published in 1901 and their research verified this speaker's assertions. It was beautifully illustrated and showed the different colors and shapes of the various thought-forms from the beautiful, clear colors and shapes associated with a high degree of spirituality to the muddy-looking thought-forms of selfish greed, anger, fear, and malice.

The book doesn't say whether the following quotation is an introduction written by the authors or if the editor or publisher
wrote these words. It says, "The power of thought is a phenomenon for which increasing evidence is being offered by serious researchers. It has been demonstrated that thought can traverse great distances, can affect people and objects, and is indeed a tangible factor in the invisible world around us. The great amount of data in the field of extrasensory perception cannot all be dismissed as superstition, and it is apparent to many people that there is much concerning man's nature which is not explained by purely materialistic theories."

After listening to the lecture and reading the book, I decided to experiment with the concept. I enlisted the aid of a friend and asked her to send me thought messages over the phone. I couldn't see her facial expressions and I didn't allow her to talk because I didn't want to be influenced by her tone of voice or the vibration of her voice. The results were astounding.

It didn't matter whether her thoughts were accompanied by emotions or if they were just thoughts, I got every message right. Then I tested her to see if she could pick up my thoughts and she did. I sent her messages that were devoid of emotion, and messages that contained strong emotion. Naturally, as one would suspect, the thoughts that carried the strongest emotions were the easiest ones to pick up. Through the years, I've repeated that experiment with many people, those I knew well and those I had just met, all with the same results. And through the years, there have been many others who have experimented with this concept with outstanding results and who went on to write books about them.

This brings us to the debates being waged about the shooting rampage that took place several days ago where several people were killed and even more of them were wounded. I keep hearing people say that it was just the act of a deeply disturbed person who committed that act of violence and it was not the result of the vitriol that has become such a prominent part of the American political scene. I disagree.

If my friend and I could pick up each other's thoughts accurately from twenty miles away, couldn't other people pick up the violent emotions that accompany the incendiary diatribe being spewed by politicians and TV and radio show personalities? There is so much anger being generated by the masses, spurred on by public figures, that it's a wonder there aren't a lot more killing sprees taking place. But maybe that's in the future.

We listen to the inflammatory remarks being made by people in the public eye. We hear their words, pick up their thoughts and emotions, and we react to them. We may not go to a shopping center and gun down bystanders, but we may go home and abuse the people we've promised to love and protect. We were taught that the pen is mightier than the sword, but now we have reason to believe that the thought is mightier than the pen. With violence on the rise, can we afford to ignore the warnings of a society gone mad? If our thoughts precede our actions, and influence the actions of others, we should be looking for ways to monitor our thoughts so that our actions and emotions don't become destructive. We need to find a way to settle our differences harmoniously and make the world a better place for future generations.

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