The Art and Science of Video Production

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Video production is an art and science. Creativity and passion for art are necessary to produce good videos. Producers follow standard steps in video production. There are three steps in video production: pre-production, production, and post-production. In Toronto, small-scale producers and big production companies follow these steps in video production.

During pre-production, producers and scriptwriters meet for brainstorming and conceptualization. Central theme and idea may come from either producer or scriptwriter. There are times when scriptwriters have draft scripts. They seek for the approval of storyline. Some producers give ideas in script writing. They supply the plot and characters. Scriptwriters develop these into a full script.

Pre-production is a continuous stage. Producers and scriptwriters meet for a number of times for editing and approval of script. They develop storyboard with the director. Storyboards provide an overview of actual scenes. They outline positioning of characters, camera angles, and appearance of location. After this, they select production cast and crew. Production casts are on-cam talents, whereas crews are supporting staffs. Likewise, they identify locations for different scenes. They prepare sequence guides for scripts. Sequence guides specify characters, dialogues, and locations of a particular scene.

After assigning characters, scripts are given to casts. Casts memorize their lines and dialogues. They practice and act out assigned characters. Big video production companies Toronto provide pre-production workshop for their talents. This helps talents portray their characters well. Moreover, staffs are given their positions. There are assistant directors, cameramen, production assistants, editors, linemen, lighting directors, and set designers.

The second stage of video production is production proper. Producers gather casts and staffs for shooting. Long scripts and large-scale productions require longer shooting days. Video production companies Toronto set specific date and time for shooting days. They designate call times, coordinate with location managers, and budget funds. Producers gather raw materials and turn them over to editors.

During post-production, editors arrange raw footages in a video format. Editors are post-production assistants. They put together footages based on the storyboards and sequence guides. They add sound effects and music on the video. After this, they present edited outputs to producers and directors. Video production companies Toronto duplicate copies of production outputs for mass viewing. They upload trailers and teasers on websites.

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