The amazing world of Mafia RPG Games

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The amazing world of Mafia RPG Games

RPG or Role Playing Games are getting extremely popular these days. They are the new age games which allow players to play different roles and personas in a game. This new phenomena has taken the world of virtual games by storm..A few years ago, virtual games were thought of as something that little children play. But RPGs have brought adults to the world of virtual games. These days, people from the age of 8 till 80 years play these games.

Why do people love RPG?
The one thing that makes RPG games so popular is the graphics used in them. The graphic of some RPG games are so real that one actually feels like he is inside the game, instead of just being just a player. These games keep evolving constantly and new technology and advancements are introduced every day. This keeps the fans waiting and excited for the newer versions of the game. RPG games never get boring as they are always offering something new to the players.

And the novelty is not only in the game play or graphics; it is also in the field of storyline and themes of these games. Almost all RPG games are based on some kind of theme or storyline and players play the game as a character in that story. This story can be based on anything, from a war zone to an imaginary alien ship, from virtual pub to the mafia world. You will find an RPG games on almost every type of themes. These days, RPGs based on movies and TV shows are also getting very popular. It is extremely exciting to take part in a story and mould it according to our wishes.

There is such a huge variety of browser based games on the internet that you will simply get confused while choosing one. You can get these games in sports, arcade, action and many other genres. Anyone can find his or favorite genre in these games.

Another thing that attracts people to web browser based games is the bonus or price some games offer. There are a number of RPG websites like which is a mafia game pays a good bonus on winning. The bonus earned in an RPG is called a pay-off and is a great incentive to keep playing the game over and over again.

But the most aspect that makes people love these games is the fact that they transport us to a world that's completely different from our life. They have a kind of escapist quality to them which let's the players live a life they always dream of or would love to experience, if only in a virtual world.

History of RPGs
Most people don't know that RPGs or role playing games actually started way back in 1975. They were created as university mainframe text based games on PDP and Unix based computer systems. The earlier RPGs were only for single player experience. multiplayer games came into existence during 1990s and instantly became a hit among game lovers. In 1996, a multiplayer game called Diablo released which instantly became a hit among the fans of RPG games. The game could be played by four players at once and combine action games with role playing. Needless to say, it sold like hot cakes.

Soon, a new Internet craze began. Inspired by RPGs played on consoles, young programmers began creating independent RPG PC games which were styled on the older SNES and Sega Genesis games. A consistently increasing number of non-RPG games have also adopted aspects of RPGs to catch up to the growing popularity of such games. This has created a hybrid game category that has good qualities of both genres.

RPG games in 2009
Today, RPG is more popular than it has ever been. As the availability of internet and personal computer increases, more and more people are joining the list of RPG lovers. Games like Fable, Final Fantasy, Elder scrolls, and Gangland Mafia etc. are very popular all over the world. Some of the popular RPG games have hundreds of thousands registered players who join in from all parts of the globe.

Even though, you can also find console based RPG games in the market, but PC and web browser based RPGs are most popular. That's because they allow a widespread participation in the game. You can play against a player sitting miles away from you without any problem. These games are also much cheaper than console based games as you don't have to buy expensive CDs and newer editions of consoles to continue playing the games.

There are various genres in these kinds of games and new genres are being introduced everyday. One of the latest genres is the Mafia gang. Almost every guy in the world has seen and loved their suave style and demeanour. It's a fantasy of almost all of us to relive the exciting moments of Godfather and Sopranos.

To satisfy your desire, many RPG websites are offering mafia themed games. But few websites have them as good as This amazing website offers a great RPG game play that will transport you to the dark inner world of Mafia gang. Players have to create a crib that's worse than anyone else's, to keep themselves in the "business". This is a great RPG game that lets you be mean and fierce. Each round of the game is 7 days long and they also give huge payoffs to the players.

Their lowest jackpot is $25 and you can win hundreds of dollars while playing this game. While playing this online mafia game, you will not only be hunting for your rivals, but for money too.

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