The Aimless Presidency of Barack Obama

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(July 24th, 2009) A popular talk show host keeps saying Barack Obama is in a power-grab, trying to grab as much power for the government as possible. But that's giving Obama more credit than he deserves; Obama's utter failure to accomplish a damn thing in office besides drive our country into deeper crisis is, I believe, not an organized plan of any sort. It's something more fundamental than that. This is a man drunk with power and his own perceived glory.

Obama is not about helping the country get through crises. Barack Obama is about Barack Obama. Having gone from total obscurity to the most powerful man on Earth in a matter of months, has, I believe, given Obama the euphoria of a kid in a candy store. His mind is obviously not on our country's serious problems.

Upon his meddling in local affairs by stating that the Boston Police "acted stupidly" by arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, some people have asked, "Doesn't Obama have enough on his plate?" Well, maybe you could make the argument that Obama got so emotionally involved with the issue that he "stupidly" made the statement that he did.

But when Obama subsequently invites both parties to the White House for a beer to make mends, that really tells the story. If you're involved in some serious issues that concern the entire country, do you even have the time to sit down for a beer over such a local issue?

Obama wanted Congress to postpone their vacation so they can focus on his healthcare package. Yet, the other day when he was asked a question by a reporter on that same healthcare package, he said he was not familiar that particular issue -- that issue was on page 16! How could he not have reached even page 16 of his own healthcare package and yet have the time to sit down for a beer on such a federally insignificant issue? Wouldn't he be better off taking his own advise; stay home and read the damn healthcare documentation?

The answer is frightening. Obama literally knows not and cares not what he's doing. He didn't read the very same healthcare package that he's been pushing so hard for because it means nothing to him -- obviously. The man is simply wielding his power and asserting his presidency. It doesn't seem to matter to him what he's doing, as long as he's doing "something" and being perceived as "taking care of things."

He's done nothing to minimize the nuclear threat from Iran, he's done nothing to minimize the nuclear threat from North Korea, he's done nothing to solve even one of our domestic problems, but he did minimize the "threat" to our society from the Boston Police Department and he did stick his nose into the unthinkable "threat" of new settlements in Israel. Do you get the picture we've elected a completely incompetent human being who's only skill is to fool people into believing he stands for something and is doing something?

America is flying rudderless. We have no one in the White House. This is scary stuff. Sure, electing Obama made history -- electing a mule would have made history, too. What good is making history when that same person will turn our country into "history?" What we need to do is make history one more time -- let's be the first ones to impeach and actually kick a president out of office. It's either us or him. Can we do it? "Yes we can?"

by Josh Greenberger

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