Iran Vows to Nuke Green Zone Kim Jong il Nukes Hillary Clinton’s Pantsuit

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It was one thing when she had to defend the whoremonger in chief for his infidelities with Gennifer Flowers. It was one thing when she had to defend the whoremonger in chief for his infidelities with Monica Lewinsky. Any woman suffering such public humiliation would have developed a hatred for men. And they called him Mini Mao.

The West has poured billions of dollars into North Korea in order to stop North Korea from proliferating their nuclear technology to Syria and Iran and to feed their starving men, women and children. This money has gone straight into the pocket of Kim Jong il who has used it to buy Saddam Style palaces with swimming pools and slides and beautiful young blonde virgins and yachts and bullets to execute the bible carrying nuns. Blowing up the world to get your knob stroked is one thing Mini Mao, but you do not, ever, insult the wardrobe of the First Lady and Secretary of State of the United States of America and live to tell about it.

Kim Jong il supplied the nuclear technology and long range missiles to Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on behalf of Ayatollah Khamenei has vowed to wipe Israel off the map, again today. How does the Ayatollah plan to wipe an entire country off the face of the earth - with paintballs? It's not that Mahmoud is just a figurehead consigliore for Khamenei, but yesterday Mahmoud was forced to fire his new vice president and machetanim because he called Israel a friend of Iran a couple of years ago. Iran does not recognize Israel, possibly because of the Hasid costumes.

In ancient Rome the people worshipped the Emperor as one of the Gods. In North Korea religion has been banned and the people must worship Kim Jong il as God. This week the God of North Korea called Hillary Clinton "a pensioner going shopping" in her pantsuit. World War I was caused by the shot heard round the world. At this rate nuclear world war III, the Apocalypse, may be caused by the insult heard round the world.

When was the last time that Kim Jong il appeared on Mr. Blackwell's "10 best dressed men" list? Who designed his Afro Wig? Did Mahmoud get the idea for his windbreaker from Kim's green pantsuit? Mahmoud said in May that Iran had tested a missile that defense and clothing analysts say could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf including the Green Zone.

Hillary Clinton said that Mini Mao was "like a small child or an unruly teenager demanding attention." Kim Jong il called the first lady "stupid", but Hillary Clinton knows the story about the boy who cried wolf. Are North Korean jockeys midgets or just really short people? Why do dictators hate women who tower over them?

Today the Revolutionary Guards' Leader, another Khamenei puppet, again threatened to incinerate Israel. The bored shepherd boy entertained himself by crying out "Wolf!" The villagers ran to rescue him but found out that he was a liar. In October 2007 Kim Jong il at the six party talks agreed to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program. In 2000, Kim Jong il, a self professed internet addict asked Secretary of State Madeline Albright for her email address when she visited Pyongyang.

Kim loves to read about himself on the internet and this may be the reason for his daily threats against the United States, South Korea and Japan. Last week Kim threatened the Japanese California Roll industry. When the boy and the flock were actually attacked by wolves the villagers ignored the shepherd's cries.

The people of the United States are now in a state of confusion. The United States attacked Iraq several decades ago on the basis that Saddam had nukes. George Bush was the boy who cried wolf. Now the American people do not trust their own leaders nor their own senses. They doubt that North Korea has nukes even though they just tested another one. They doubt that Iran is pursuing nukes even though the puppet master of both Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Mesbah (Maybah) Yazdi, Nostradamus' third antichrist Mabus said himself that "the use of nuclear bombs has legitimacy under Muslim law."

According to Psychiatrist and best selling author M. Scott Peck, in "People of the Lie", "the lies of the wicked are endless and obvious". North Korea is building nuclear bombs and missiles and selling them to Iran and Syria. Iran is building nuclear bombs and plans to provide them to their armies Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine.

Perhaps the United States would have more credibility in ending nuclear proliferation if George Bush had not agreed to sell nuclear reactors to India and Saudi Arabia. The Earth, our home, is a tiny ball flying through space and the winds of our own nuclear bombs will blow the radioactive fallout right onto the heads of the American boys and girls, the ones not hit directly in the green zone. Hell hath no fury like a shepherdess scorned.

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Occupation: writer
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles, California.

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