Sound reasons to support a member of parliament

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I request people of Pakistan and world community to support my nomination as a Senator in Pakistan Senate or Member National Assembly (MNA) or Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) or Nazim in district government. Due to sound reasons explained below and on my website articles, I am very suitable candidate for above mentioned seats.
Those people representatives are considered honest who mis-manage 50 percent funds and spend 50 percent on development. I solemnly take oath that I will live on salary and I will not mismanage a single rupee from development funds.
I enjoy diversified support which is spread not only across Pakistan but also spread around the world. I have support of people of different languages, religions, provinces and cities throughout Pakistan. I also enjoy support of different professions in Pakistan and around the world
I will work for the general prosperity of people. I will strive that every family in Pakistan, whether they are disabled, mental or dull, gets all necessaries of life (food, clothing, and home) .
I am part of coordinated global and national war against terrorism, extremism, violence and fundamentalism in Pakistan. I am also part of global initiative against corruption, jobbery and exploitations in Pakistan. My efforts improved crime control, law enforcement and dispensation of justice.
I am highly educated having diverse knowledge of various professions including education, Information Technology, electronic governance, economics, health, international diplomacy, coordination, human rights and many other functioning's of Pakistani ministries. Many authorities acknowledged my services for human rights awareness and implementations. Many told that we heard the name of human rights because of your articles.
It is said that only few specific families in Pakistan reaches to Parliament. Only members of few hundred families ever reached to Parliament. I represent middle class in Pakistan which is ignored badly. I myself witnessed and suffered poverty, deprivation and exploitation in Pakistan. I lived in common people in Pakistan and I know their difficulties. I also represent women and many disadvantaged, deprived and minority classes in Pakistan
I never get any real benefit for my works for Pakistan and humanity so I think that I deserve seat in national assembly or senate of Pakistan. Throughout my life I suffered deprivation and exploitation in Pakistan. I did not get proper job for last sixteen years. I am self made person. I suffered great business losses due to corruption and bad economy in Pakistan. We lost a large portion of our life time hard earned money. No compensation is ever provided to our family. I will get little compensation if I am selected member national assembly or senator in Pakistan.
I have good links and working relations with Pakistan national and international institutions and organizations.
For last many years I have been serving the Pakistani nation and nations around the world, without any remuneration, by writing articles and suggesting important reforms. Many of my suggested measures were approved. In this way I performed complementary role in the overall governance, mass awareness and institutional reforms in Pakistan and around the world. I presented socio-economic and anti-corruption measures for ensuring transparency and justice in Pakistan. I presented a very good platform for economic, financial and property rights for general people in Pakistan and around the world especially for innocent endangered families. I wrote articles on international affairs, peace, co-existence, anti-terrorism, moderation, tolerance and ethics. I participated in the promotion of information technology and computer sciences in Pakistan and around the world. For more details, please visit author website links provided below.
Pakistan Senate, National Assembly, Provincial Assembly and Nazim District Government

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