Teeth Whiteners: Knowing Which Ones Are The Best For Your Teeth

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How can you possibly know the best whitening product available these days? The answer to that question would be the ones that are proven and actually works best for you. However, with tons of whitening kits out there, the question to be asked would rather be: Which teeth whitening method would be proper to use and how fast would the result be?

If you are wondering what the right answer to the above question is - I would say that the answer would really depend on your personal preference. You should know which teeth whitening products would be most convenient for you and determine how fast you would want to see the results.

For starters, it is important to take note that the number one component for teeth whitening would be “peroxide”, which acts as the bleaching agent found in most whitening kits on the market. In general, the higher the level of peroxide, the faster the results. Another factor that would determine the speed of the effect of teeth whitening would be the duration of the solution on your teeth.

For example, a whitening toothpaste contains typically 0.1% hydrogen peroxide and whitening mouthwash can go up to 3% hydrogen peroxide. All these whitening products only contain a low concentration of peroxide, which in turn cannot also stay too long on your teeth. If you are expecting results in no time, these methods won’t do. However, in the long run and with constant use, you can achieve whiter teeth using these methods.

To be able to get a much higher concentration of peroxide, you can visit your dentist and have your teeth whitened. Only professional dentists use higher peroxide solution. This solution is safe only under professional supervision. Thus, it is worth it to pay hundreds of dollars on in office teeth whitening if you would prefer an instant effect on your teeth.

With regards to what method to use for teeth whitening, you should know your options and the variations available for you. With the wide array of choices, it won’t be too difficult to pick one that will suit your preference and needs. There are whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, as well as take home whitening trays and whitening pens. For you to be able to know which ones are safe, convenient, or perhaps easy to use, you can browse online reviews to get some helpful advice and insights on the most effective and suitable teeth whitening kits available.

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