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Articles, tagged with "teeth whitening products", page 1

01st June 2011

5 Beauty Secrets Women Don’t Want You To Know!

By aman in Beauty
You also can’t hide yellow teeth like you can most other physical defects. So you should always be sure your smile is at it’s best. Perfectly straight teeth aren’t always necessary either, so if you couldn't afford braces or retainers as a teen don’t w...

27th April 2011

Pure Enamel Whitening

Everywhere you go the significance of excellent oral hygiene and the necessity for a glowing smile is advertised. One of many first issues that you notice if you meet someone new is their smile and their teeth. It looks like the only means to make sure...

06th April 2011

Teeth Whiteners: Knowing Which Ones Are The Best For Your Teeth

How can you possibly know the best whitening product available these days? The answer to that question would be the ones that are proven and actually works best for you. However, with tons of whitening kits out there, the question to be asked would rather...

12th January 2011

Teeth Whitening Kit- Free Helpful Article For Teeth Whitening Kit

Having white and shiny teeth can boost confidence. Not only does it improve appearance it can be a source of happiness for people that seek public approval. Individuals that are in the spotlight or have roles that require them to have that swish perfect l...

27th October 2010

The Easy Way To Whiter Teeth

Everybody wants a vivid white smile and clean looking teeth. Things like coffee, tea and cigarette smoking can dull and discolour your teeth. Teeth whitening has become more affordable and easier to access than ever before. You can have your teeth ...

22nd October 2010

Tooth Whitening Kits

A lot of people desire to have a brilliant smile with shiny and sparkling bright teeth. Each of us has distinct tooth color. Naturally, a lot of smokers have stained teeth.. But others are blessed with pearly white teeth. To maintain it, they purchase tee...

06th August 2010

Teeth Whitening options for that Picture Perfect Smile

In the Fashion world there is always a war between styles. Everyone has their own opinion on what's in and what's out; what's old and what's new; what's hot and what's not and what's acceptable. Hair Styles keep changing too and trends don't last too long...

21st May 2010

Whitening your Teeth the Natural Way

Whitening your Teeth the Natural Way You can actually whiten your teeth a natural way. You do not have to use the chemical treatments that are out on the market today. Back in the Elizabethan times, over 400 years ago, everyone took care of his or ...

08th March 2010

Affordable Teeth whitening Products

Not everyone is Julia Roberts but "A billion dollar smile" is what everybody wants. With the dental treatments burning a hole in everybody's pockets, teeth whitening is still our of reach for many. Do not worry, there is now an easier and affordable metho...

15th February 2010

Do Plenty of Research Before Teeth Whitening

There are many different considerations to think about when choosing the right specialist for you. Firstly, the service must meet the standards that you are looking for. It is sometimes very hard to know what a service is like without trying it, however...

08th January 2010

Common Knowledge is Not Always Common….3 Side Effects You Must Know About at Home Teeth Whitening

Like many celebrities, average people are putting themselves in the driver's seat when it comes to their image. At home teeth whitening products have evened the playing field to the sometimes elusive pearly white smile. Now, regular people have the ch...

07th January 2010

The Benefits of Using Teeth Whitening Gel

While UK residents have many options for removing plaque and tarter from their teeth, a teeth-whitening gel is definitely one of the best ones. This product can provide a wide array of benefits for its users. Here are some of the most significant ones: ...

30th December 2009

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth or Brown Teeth Stains For Free

A Way to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth or Brown Teeth Stains For FreeWhy should you pay for teeth whitening when you are able to just get a free trial of teeth whitening from many of the biggest whitening services? In this article you will discover some of the ...

23rd December 2009

Teeth Whitening Bleach

People usually see their teeth become yellow over a period of time by food getting trapped in tiny fissures and cracks that occur on the enamel surfaces of the teeth. To the eye the teeth appear dull and yellow and are not as white as they once ...

18th December 2009

Making Your Smile Look Better With Teeth Whitening

Staring your day with a frown face will not give you any luck. The best way to have a beautiful day is to have a beautiful smile. Having a beautiful smile is having clean and white bright teeth. The first thing that you notice to a person when having ...

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