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Articles, tagged with "dab", page 1

10th April 2012

All Natural Acne Remedies, Advises and Tips

Benzoyl peroxide cream or gel applied directly onto the affected skin twice a day is a proven acne treatment. Benzoyl peroxide prevents dead skin cells blocking hair follicles and kills bacteria on the skin that can cause blocked follicles to become infe...

27th May 2011

easy and quick ways of hair removal

Many imagine an even and soft body, therefore we use several cosmetic products to help with making this achievable. Because of this , you find numerous hair removal products for guys and some women you can find. Virtually no lady may wish to b...

24th February 2011

Inexpensive Cold Sore Remedies - Here Are Some Effective And Inexpensive Cold Sore Remedies

I have a huge cold sore on my bottom lip, does anyone know of any remedies? Abreva is way too expensive! Are there any Inexpensive Cold Sore Remedies out there? If you currently have a cold sore and want to get rid of it using Inexpensive Cold Sore Rem...

14th January 2011

Makeup Style – Find the Makeup Ideas and Quick Makeup

Every woman has her own reasons for using makeup. Firstly, a woman uses makeup to enhance her assets and hide her flaws. Using makeup makes her feel beautiful and more confident about herself, which shows in the way she does things. You should aim for...

07th January 2011

Different Face Painting Designs That Kids Will Enjoy At Birthday Parties

So you are seeking completely new ideas for your face painting special event? Once you have painted the exact same designs for a few years you need inspiration and ideas for brand spanking new appearances . Allow me to share some tips to inspire you to ob...

17th November 2010

Lip Care Essentials

Your lips get a work out during the average day. Eating, drinking, speaking, singing or humming, your lips are in use quite a bit of the time. Having nice looking lips means having healthy, well cared for lips. The products you use on your lips can...

01st June 2010

Allure Onlookers with Fake Eyelashes

With the need to become glamorous in today's time and age, everybody wants to look extra alluring with beauty that is unparalleled, no matter how hard the process of transformation is. However, if you want to allure onlookers without spending much or unde...

22nd December 2009

How To Get Rid Of A Zit

Got a date, or got to have your photo taken tomorrow? Got a great big ugly zit right where everybody can see it? I know how you feel cause I've been there and done that too many times. It's not the end of the world, as a matter of fact you could be zitles...

22nd December 2009

How To Get Rid Of A Zit Fast

Got a blind date, or need to have your photo taken tomorrow? Got a big, nasty zit on your face? I know how you feel cause I've been there and done that more than once. It's not the end of the world, as a matter of fact you could be zitless by tomorrow;o)!...

24th November 2009

The easier and Faster ways to Cure Acne than using Creams

No one wants to deal with acne. Those unsightly pimples can be painful and hard to get rid of. While there are plenty of products on the market today to help rid you of acne, there are much faster ways to cure acne than using creams. Many of the acne p...

23rd June 2009

How to Choose and How to Use an Eye Makeup Remover

Eye makeup remover is a specially designed cleaner to get rid of the excess makeup around those delicate areas, especially around the eyes. Caked on makeup is a natural part of life, especially considering most makeup these days is now waterproof. However...

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