All Natural Acne Remedies, Advises and Tips

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Benzoyl peroxide cream or gel applied directly onto the affected skin twice a day is a proven acne treatment. Benzoyl peroxide prevents dead skin cells blocking hair follicles and kills bacteria on the skin that can cause blocked follicles to become infected. Unfortunately, benzoyl peroxide makes skin more sensitive to ultra-violet light, so during treatment you should avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Add a dab of toothpaste onto a stubborn zit before you go to bed at night. The toothpaste will dry out during the night, drying the zit along with it. Make sure that you first clean and pat dry the area before applying and always use toothpaste and not a gel.

Limiting the amount of dairy foods and red meat that you eat can help you reduce acne. These foods are difficult to digest and cause acid to form in our bodies. Our skin's health is tied to our internal organs, which means that the problems that these foods are causing will wreak havoc on your skin.

To keep acne to a minimum, it is best to keep your hands clean and to avoid touching or scratching your face. Dirty hands can create black heads filled with dirt and white heads filled with pus. Dirt, not only comes from your hands, but from linen, as well. Make sure to wash your bed sheets and pillow cases regularly. If you consciously think about how many hours your face is in contact with the pillow, you won't forget to clean the pillowcases!

Wash your face every night without fail, so you can avoid breakouts. This is especially true for women who wear makeup at night. If you do not wash your face before you go to bed, the oil, dirt and makeup sitting on your skin will be absorbed in your pores and can directly cause acne.

Tea tree oil is a wonderful and effective treatment that you can use daily to exfoliate your face. Do not apply tea tree oil directly to your acne, as it should be diluted with water for ultimate effectiveness. A daily regimen of cleansing with tea tree oil can help eliminate dry skin cells, which can clog your pores and create acne.

To keep your face clear and pimple-free make sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly. Also throw out all of your old makeup. Old makeup and dirty brushes can add dirt and bacteria to your face that can cause blemishes and blackheads. Anything that touches your face should be fresh and clean.

It is important to reduce your stress levels if you are having difficulty getting rid of acne. Stress causes skin problems, so teaching yourself how to relax can cause a dramatic improvement in the way you look. Try exercising or using a breathing exercise to reduce your stress levels.

Did you know that acne can be caused by allergies? Allergies are a natural reaction that your immune system uses to fight off something that is trying to work it's way to inside your body. The problem is, your body can sometimes end up fighting things it just doesn't need to, because it was incorrectly programmed to do so. An allergy specialist can help by testing to find what allergies you do have. It could be something simple, such as dairy, or it could be more complex such as the paraffin wax in your hairspray. If your allergies are bad enough, an allergist can even give you shots that help to reprogram you body so that it no longer fights the things it doesn't need to fight.

Shaving serves as exfoliation and therefore, can be an excellent way of removing dead skin cells. This can help to both prevent acne, and keep it from spreading if a break out has occurred. Avoid shaving any areas that are sore or infected however, as this can further irritate the skin.

The best way to prevent acne is to keep your hands off the face. Most people touch their face many times a day, and hands are full of bacteria that gets into pores on the face. Avoid touching the face with hands to keep dirt, oil and bacteria from inflaming facial pores.

If you have acne avoid picking your skin at all costs. Picking pimples can cause acne to spread, and if your fingers aren't sterile more bacteria can be transferred onto your face leading to new outbreaks. Picking also damages the skin and interrupts the skin's natural healing process, meaning existing acne eruptions will take much longer to heal.

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