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Articles, tagged with "emotions", page 7

18th February 2011

Beauty Enhances With Fragrance of Perfumes

Perfumes have always been considered an expansion to overall personality of individual and today the market is teeming with a wide array of perfumes for women and men. Cosmetics and other products have ruled since ages and consequently Perfumes have becom...

15th February 2011

Save Yourself From Tax Related Misgivings

The advantages of using them are that it is easier to fill than the paper form. If a program with both federal and state income forms is used, it's easy to file state taxes also since the details in the federal form is imported to the state form and the i...

15th February 2011

Do You Really Need to Whiten Your Skin

Nowadays, whitening has already become a fashionable trend. It has become a beautifying way for people to improve the skin quality and resist aging. Some people do not believe the effect of whitening, as some low-quality products may even destroy the skin...

14th February 2011

Tips On Filing Late Tax Returns Why You Should File Your Taxes Even If You Dont Have the Money to Pa

You will need to know, for tax purposes, when you purchased the items, and for how much, the fair market value of the items on the day you donated them to charity and the name and address of the charity. If all else fails, than just bite your tongue and w...

14th February 2011

The Metaphysical Actor Part Two - The Tao of Acting

THE METAPHYSICAL ACTOR When the Control Comes In Basically we are looking for a way to keep our mental control out of the way once a truthful performance begins to gather momentum. As Stanislavski said, “when the subconscious, when intuition enters...

08th February 2011

Mixed Media

By definition, mixed media art refers to an artwork in which more than one medium has been used. There are two perspectives to every piece of art - the side of the artist and the side of the viewer. First let's discuss the artist's side to mixed media art...

04th February 2011

Useful Tips That Improves Communication

Did you have an awkward experience that nobody was listening to you when you are fully passionate about some topics and talking with your zeal from your heart? If YES, it is partly because of your failed opening speech that does not interest them; even if...

31st January 2011

How to Interact With Parents of Autistic Children

As parents, we are always concerned about the welfare of our children and when something bad happens to them such as getting ill or injured, we wish that we could change places with them. Having a child that is ill is one of a parent’s worst nightmares es...

31st January 2011

10 Ways to Keep Divorce Lawyers From Ruining Your Life

Everyone has heard the story (from friends, co-workers, and family members) of the divorce from hell; the one that grinds on for years, costs untold thousands of dollars, and frustratingly plods its way through the court system. It costs people not only t...

21st January 2011


It’s years since I worked so passionate with photography. I read many books and magazines, I attended courses and seminars with well known professionals. I learned. I experimented with different techniques and collected many useful tools for my projects....

20th January 2011

Tips On Getting A Divorce in Jacksonville, FL

Divorce is legally defined as the dissolution of marriage and the ending of all legal ties and responsibilities between the parties who’ve shared the bonds of matrimony. The ultimate goal of a divorce is to free both the husband and wife into being able t...

19th January 2011

Are You Ready for Maternity Photography?

The craze for maternity photography is increasing fast globally among all the communities. Every segment of society has accepted its importance and there are sufficient reasons to support this craze. Definitely, it is a unique chance for conserving the me...

19th January 2011

Valentine’s Day: - The most beautiful feeling in the world.

Valentines day is just around the corner. It is a day that couples show there loves for one another either through words, actions or gifts. The typical gift that is given on this special occasion is chocolates, perfume or flowers. This may be amusing to s...

18th January 2011

Fertility and EFT: Gentle Solutions for Fertility

If you have struggled to conceive a child, you know what a heavy toll the process can take on your spirit, your body, and your relationship. Many women find themselves devastated before turning to alternative therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique ...

18th January 2011

Top Tips for Parenting Teenagers

One of the greatest challenges in any parent’s life is the teenage years. Teenagers are a complex mix of childish impulses and adult emotions and needs. It can be very difficult for them to understand situations in a positive or realistic way as they do n...

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