Fertility and EFT: Gentle Solutions for Fertility

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If you have struggled to conceive a child, you know what a heavy toll the process can take on your spirit, your body, and your relationship. Many women find themselves devastated before turning to alternative therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) a gentle, hopeful therapy that is proving to have a large impact on the ability to conceive.

What is EFT and how can it help?

EFT is a relatively new practice based on the meridian points of traditional Chinese medicine-the same points used in acupuncture. EFT unblocks these energy points through gentle tapping. An EFT practitioner may tap on the client directly or teach the client how to tap alone.

EFT works on the assumption that emotions have an impact on physiological conditions and so it strives to free the body of emotional blockages, which may have been caused by the stress of infertility or by other stresses. EFT can be very cathartic and clients may cry; they always feel a huge sense of relief and lightness through the EFT work.

Who should I choose EFT?

If you have experienced "unexplained infertility"-in other words, there is no physical reason why you can't conceive-EFT treatments could benefit you. Many EFT clients have already gone through the full range of conventional infertility treatments and have often experienced a great deal of stress and loss. You can choose EFT at any stage in the process.

How do I find an EFT practitioner?

There are very few EFT practitioners in Canada and United States working with fertility. Go with someone who has been recommended to you by a health care professional you trust. You can also check the EFT website www.eftinternational.com for practitioners in your area.

Why choose EFT?

One of the really great things about EFT is that it is so non-invasive. EFT is gentle and comfortable and can easily be used at home. I usually provide clients with information that allows them to tap on their own; and is safe and very effective done by phone in your own home or where you are comfortable. Compared to complex medical procedures, EFT is very inexpensive-usually $120-150 per standard 1 hour session. Generally clients will aim for 4-6 sessions though they often don't need that many!

EFT practitioners cannot guarantee that EFT treatments will lead to conception; they can guarantee, however, that no fertility client will leave feeling broken or vulnerable. Clients will always leave feeling strong, calm, and confident-which is, in the end, the ideal emotional state to be in for conceiving a child!

Go through additional content articles on EFT from Kathleen Milligan at Tappinginternational.com. Learn more about EFT emotional freedom and the meridan tapping method today!

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