Top Tips for Parenting Teenagers

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One of the greatest challenges in any parent’s life is the teenage years. Teenagers are a complex mix of childish impulses and adult emotions and needs. It can be very difficult for them to understand situations in a positive or realistic way as they do not yet have the necessary adult coping mechanisms. This can make it very difficult to communicate with teenagers and agree sensible boundaries and accepted behaviour with them. Here are just a few useful tips for parenting teenagers.

Setting up Boundaries

One of the main points of contention between parents and teenagers is boundaries. Teenagers will often feel like they are being restricted even when parents are trying to lay down realistic boundaries. Here are some tips for setting up boundaries when parenting teenagers:

Boundaries only work if everyone agrees to adhere to them. This means you need to sit down and agree certain points with your teenager when it comes to issues like computer usage, curfews and friends. They will be much more likely to adhere to boundaries if they feel their opinions have been taken into account.

Compromise is the key to setting up effective boundaries so try to encourage your teenager to meet you halfway. For example if you are setting an evening curfew discuss a suitable time for them to be home with them. If they think it should be 11pm and you feel it should be 9pm then try and meet in the middle at 10pm. This should motivate them to try and stick to the curfew rather than just dismissing out of hand it as unreasonable.
School Work

Does your teenager really understand how important the school years can be? If you are having trouble motivating your teenager to do their school work or even attend school in the first place then you need to make sure they understand why it is important. Look into interesting career options with them and show them how school could help them achieve this. For example if they love computer games then help them realise they could work in this industry and make a career out of their interests. This can be a great way of motivating teenagers to knuckle down at school and get the qualifications they need to achieve. Here some more parenting teenager tips for school problems:

Truancy can be a result of bullying at school. Talk to your teen and also teachers and make sure there is no harassment taking place at school that is causing them to stay away.
Large classroom sizes and stressed teachers can means that some kids can get away with hiding learning difficulties over the years. This can mean that when they get older they have problems even with basic reading and writing. This can really hold them back when it comes to the greater challenges of teen education and can be very embarrassing for them. If your teen is falling behind at school talk to them and see if they are having any particular problems with the work.

Parenting teenagers is a big challenge and can be very difficult for families to cope with. There are a number of useful resources available both online and offline that can help. These can provide practical advice on how to deal with difficult teens and positive steps forward for the future.

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