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Articles, tagged with "water weight", page 1

28th June 2011

3 Day Detox Diet Plan

A weight loss program must be your normal everyday strategy for eating that turns into a regular portion of your life. There are sometimes however when you need to purify your body quickly and lose some fat really quick. On those rare events, you should c...

27th June 2011

The Truth About Burning Fat

Everyday millions of men and women search the internet for solutions to shedding those unwanted pounds and burning fat. Unfortunately, most programs sold on the internet are nothing more than fad diets combined with insane workout plans that would even be...

24th June 2011

Lose Weight Fast With The Cabbage Soup Diet

It's touted as a quick pounds loss dietary regimen. It is also pretty simple to do: Fundamentally, you're just urged to eat cabbage everyday for 7 days and you will really get rid of kilos of excess weight in a matter of days. This is due to the fact this...

12th July 2010

Can Salt Cause Weight Gain?

We almost automatically reach for the salt shaker when eating fresh tomatoes, corn on the cob, hamburgers or scrambled eggs, but are we sabotaging our weight loss efforts? You may think that salt and sodium chloride are the same thing but they are not. T...

09th April 2010

How to actually eat more food & still lose weight

By olinem in Diet
If you're like most people, you've tried an endless number of diets out there with very lacklustre results. You've probably even gained weight over the years despite almost constantly being on a diet. This isn't fair, is it? You deserve to lose the wei...

11th February 2010

The Most Popular Fad Diet to Lose Weight

Everyone wants to know what the most popular fad diet is. As the years go by, diets come and go, but only a handful stand the test of time. Many of these popular fad diets have lasted for 60 years or more. Although a fad diet is not the answer for perm...

11th February 2010

Popular Fad Diets – Are They for You?

Are you checking out the most popular fad diets to take off some weight? There are some factors to take into account before starting one. This article will cover the three basics of what they are good for and in what circumstances they may be right for ...

11th February 2010

Fad Diets that Work Fast – Make it Happen for You!

If you are looking for fad diets that work fast, all you have to do is a quick search online or ask around. There is an abundance of diets that all promise to shed the pounds off quickly. Is this really true? Do they really work? This article will pro...

30th December 2009

Diet Review Website

The word diet comes from the Greek word diaita, which means "manner of living". Scientists and researchers agree that ones diet and daily activities encompass an entire "manner of living" and not a pattern of restricted eating. Every diet starts with a...

17th December 2009

The Best Diets to Lose Weight - This is Easy!

No doubt you've seen dozens of diets to lose weight that claim to be the best. Have you tried any of them? If so, you probably know that on these plans you can't eat much food, and eventually the weight comes back. Some of the best diets to lose weight...

26th November 2009

Zerona Laser Liposuction

ZERONA is a new body-sculpting procedure designed to remove fat and contour the body without invasive surgery. Unlike other procedures, ZERONA allows the patient to continue their daily activities without interruptions from surgery, pain, or wounds. ZERON...

30th October 2009

Revealed Fat Burning Soup Diets Exposed

Claiming to help you to lose anywhere from ten to 17 pounds of weight in simply a week, fat burning soup diets like the cabbage soup diet have been called the ultimate trend diets. How honest are these fat burning soup diets and do they measure up to...

13th October 2009

Weight Loss Programs Are Like Fake Matchmaking Services That Take Money Without Delivering Results

You must have heard researchers say that more people are now taking steps to reduce weight. But, the question is, if people are making efforts then why there are more fat people than ever? The answer is that people make efforts without choosing a ri...

16th August 2009

Two Week Workout To Get Fit, Feel Great - Say Goodbye To Size Worries

Prom is quickly approaching and while you may have the best prom dress, do you have the right body for it? With just a few weeks to go, you do not have time to take on a large-scale diet and exercise regimen to improve your body. You can do several things...

09th April 2009

How To Conquer Weight Loss Plateaus With Diets That Actually Work

Earlier this year I was asked by my personal training clients to find some diets that actually work. I tried to explain to them that almost all diets work, especially if your sole goal is just to lose weight. The problem with many diets that don't "w...

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