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Member Since: 06th February 2010
No of Articles: 3
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11th February 2010

The Most Popular Fad Diet to Lose Weight

Everyone wants to know what the most popular fad diet is. As the years go by, diets come and go, but only a handful stand the test of time. Many of these popular fad diets have lasted for 60 years or more. Although a fad diet is not the answer for perm...

11th February 2010

Popular Fad Diets – Are They for You?

Are you checking out the most popular fad diets to take off some weight? There are some factors to take into account before starting one. This article will cover the three basics of what they are good for and in what circumstances they may be right for ...

11th February 2010

Fad Diets that Work Fast – Make it Happen for You!

If you are looking for fad diets that work fast, all you have to do is a quick search online or ask around. There is an abundance of diets that all promise to shed the pounds off quickly. Is this really true? Do they really work? This article will pro...