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Articles, tagged with "wild animals", page 1

10th June 2011

Cook paleo recipes so that you can feel the paleo diet benefits

Nowadays, it is next to impossible to eat a similar thing our paleolithic ancestors ate, unless if we live in the wild and hunt or gather each and every piece of food. That will probably be in close proximity to a full-time career, and definitely not a fe...

18th April 2011

The Wolfpack is Back - The Hangover Part II

The Hangover, released in 2009, cost a mere $35m to make yet ended up grossing almost $468m worldwide. Converting that into sterling, as of April 2011 that’s £21.5m to produce and nearly £288m in gross revenue, and all for a film about a bachelor party an...

25th March 2011

Eight Advantages of the Woodcraft Construction Kits

Woodcraft construction kits have been in existence for a great deal of time now, but simply recently began to really lift off. We currently find that there are plenty of individuals that choose to buy these toys for their kids, or even for their own reaso...

15th March 2011

Agency Specializing in Art for Children Will Feature Work From Artist, DaRosa

Miramar, FLORIDA (March 2011) -,, specializes in many different types of gifts and art for youngsters. They offer posters, unique artwork, limited editions, postcards, and even clocks. All of their products present ...

18th February 2011

Why eco-friendly living is necessary?

• Manufacturing processes are energy-intensive Everything you own originates from somewhere and has its own environmental impact. To reduce the carbon footprint of any product, select articles made of eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, sustain...

26th January 2011

Grow your kids with fun loving games

Game is one of the best activities for the entertainment; it is basically a structured activity for the enjoyment. Games have a huge history; games have been played by every human being on earth and in every culture, even in the Ancient Roman Civilization...

23rd September 2010

5 uses of solar energy

5 uses of solar energy Our earth gets most of its energy from the sun. We call this energy solar energy. Sol means sun. Solar energy travels from the sun to the earth in rays. Some are light rays that we can see. Some are rays we can't see, like x-rays...

20th May 2010

Custom Jungle Murals Let Your Children Experience an Adventure EachDay

As loving, careful parents we concentrate on keeping our children safe, but kids have a natural love of adventure. They want to venture beyond their secure pastel bedrooms, and experience a journey of excitement. Books and movies, from "Where the Wild Thi...

09th May 2010

Know How Small Statuettes Can Enhance Your Environment

Sculpture has been a vital part of creative and religious traditions worldwide for many years, and contemporary manufacturing has created small statuettes cheap and readily available. Whether you are looking for decorative statuettes for your home or work...

01st March 2010

Killer Whale Killed Trainer During Under Water Show! Spectators Watched in Horror!

Oh, no! What a horrific accident! When it is not a gorilla attacking and ripping off the face of a woman in Connecticut or a sting ray darting its barbs into the heart of one of the most beloved Australian hunter in history, is killer whales taking the l...

19th January 2010

Fine Art Nature Photography - The Beauty of Digital Photography

Fine art nature photography is a cheap way to get a top quality collection of art, one that over the years will probably become more valuable . Photography and art collectors can't help being drawn to digital photos of nature, wild animals and outside sce...

21st December 2009

The Extinction of Wild Animals

Since the emergence of life on Earth, there have been 500 million kinds of living on the earth, but now the vast majority has disappeared. The extinction of species is a natural phenomenon in the evolutionary history of life on Earth, it should be a norma...

22nd April 2009

Police Pepper Spray: Packing More Power to the Punch

There are times when the average pepper spray can't always do the job as well as expected. For tougher and stronger stopping power, there's always the police pepper spray, formulated for faster and more painful results. Is this the right self-defense ga...

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