Killer Whale Killed Trainer During Under Water Show! Spectators Watched in Horror!

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Oh, no! What a horrific accident! When it is not a gorilla attacking and ripping off the face of a woman in Connecticut or a sting ray darting its barbs into the heart of one of the most beloved Australian hunter in history, is killer whales taking the life of a young woman who devoted half her life as an underwater world whale trainer. We human beings are so affectionate to domesticated wild animals that we often become victims of the most horrific attacks by them, in our desires to show love.

It is very hard not to love animals, and we can't understand why some people don't, but that is for another topic. The majority of us, though, do love animal, whether they are from the wild or domesticated. However, we must admit that they put us in very precarious positions when we are too close to them, as trainers often are. This is the main reason why trainers are usually the first to get attacked by agitated animals.

Animals in the wild are perceived to be dangerous because they are not used to interacting with human beings while domesticated wild animals are not perceived as such, but this belief is slowly beginning to change as a result of the recent tragedies with animals and mammals attacking people, especially trainers. If this belief isn't changing, then it should.

We have seen the mutilated face of the woman who was recently attacked by a pet gorilla in Connecticut. Now it is the underwater whale trainer who has lost her life in the mouth of a 17 foot killer whale. How can we prevent this from happening in the future? This kind of thing is happening ever too often! Something needs to be done!

It is sad to say that this type of animal induced tragedy will continue to happen! Why? It will continue to happen because people actually enjoy the thrills of living dangerously. There are many people who relish the opportunity to go mingle with dangerous animals and mammals. This gets us to another point.

There should be a way to electronically sense when animals and mammals in under water zoos or land zoos are agitated. Operators of zoos and under water worlds should try their best to do a better job in sensing danger. There should be some kind of safety mechanism put in place to give trainers a chance to survive if ever there should be an attack.

For the sake of a few dollars, one should not be putting him or herself in danger. There should be barriers protecting human trainers from the immediate vicinity of training or show animals and mammals. It is understood that spectators want to see human interact with animal by physical means. However, it is not worth the risk.

Most would say that it is a one in a million chance that an attack will occur during a show. However, we have seen through the media that far too often attacks do occur without reason. We should stop from taking chances when interacting with such animals and mammals.

Too many people are becoming fatally injured by trained domesticated wild animals and mammals. It is now time to put a stop to all these tragedies before they occur again! People's lives are at stake here!

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Occupation: Clinical Lab Scientist
Glenford S Robinson, BS, CLS, MT(ASCP), is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and staff writer for The American Chronicle, California Chronicle, Los Angeles Chronicle, World Sentinel, and affiliates, which are online magazines for national, international, state, and local news. He has received expert Author recognition on both EzineArticles and GoArticles. Mr. Robinson is the founder, president, chief operating officer, editor-in-chief and staff writer for, a social networking website and news article site providing members and visitors with up-to-the-minute news, entertainment, and the opportunity to submit articles for free. He has done graduate studies leading to an MBA in Healthcare Management at the University of Phoenix, Phoenix Arizona. Please send correspondence to inbox.

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