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Articles, tagged with "exercise regimes", page 1

04th June 2013

Destroying Aging: An Anti-Aging Guide

(Sun Exposure) Depending on where you’re living, you may not have as much sun exposure as say, Arizona or Southern California. Some areas have more sun than others, so this is best to moderate yourself with the sun depending on where you live and the c...

04th February 2011

The Benefits of Eating Paleo and Primal Food

An increasing number of people are becoming interested in palaeolithic, primal, stone-age or cave-man diets and exercise regimes. It is proving to be one of the best ways to lose body fat and help people achieve the healthy and fit bodies they desire. It ...

07th January 2011

Fat Burning Furnace - Just 15 Minutes Of Exercise Can Change Your Life

One of the hardest things for many individuals when trying to lose weight is to sustain some kind of efficient exercise regime. Most of us are sometimes too active or too un-motivated to spend hours in the gym. I am going to, for that reason, come being a...

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