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Articles, tagged with "great health", page 1

31st October 2014

Using Attraction Principles to Build Your Business

Trends come and go. One day something’s hot, the next it’s not. Lately there’s been talk by millions of people about the law of attraction; think about what you want and it will manifest. Every month millions of dollars are spent on books, CDs, seminars, ...

07th March 2012

Is Cosmetic Surgery Worth the Risks?

With the standards that are set by the modern fashion and clothing industry, today, it has become increasingly important for both men and women to look perfect. However, as this is rarely possible to achieve naturally, the majority of the population has t...

28th June 2011

Baba Ramdev Needs Instant Government Attention ……… Is Solution Inbuilt ?

Ahimsa Foundation ( ) appreciates Baba Ramdev for undertaking this challenge. Baba Ramdev your mission is for the benefit of every citizen and also imperative to maintain national pride. We wish you great health & a very long life. Af...

17th June 2011

The Best Life Diet

Today's environment has always been but has become more toxic to the human body. Pollutants and disease are attacking the body constantly. However, the human body is a powerful machine, and like all machines must be taken care of on a regular maintenance ...

24th May 2011

Health food recipes– The benefits

It is very important to have a healthy lifestyle. The human body requires a certain amount of nutritional content on a regular basis and it is essential to maintain that. One should eat what is right in order to do so. There are so many problems and illne...

12th May 2011

Healthy Lunch Recipes Will Keep You Going Strong All Afternoon

As I've aged I've taken it upon myself to start eating healthier foods because I feel that I owe it to myself to feel good from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep. To enjoy your life and receive the same great health benefits that I do on a d...

06th December 2010

Searching The Internet For Dieting Advice

By Lori in Diet
In the event people have no idea just where to begin concerning an appropriate natural weight loss diet program accessing the internet is very useful. Tremendous amounts of info exists surfing the web. One main problem happens to be deciding just what adv...

02nd December 2010

Brian Wainstein: Spice Up Your Diet

Brian Wainstein of GenXXL - : Spice Up Your Diet. Many of us know about the great health benefits of garlic, ginger, and onions, but how many know about dried spices? In 2009, spices were added to the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid because of their amazing h...

23rd November 2010

Fasting For Weight Loss - A Great Alternative to Dieting

For those who have tried every diet on the market and still have not lost the weight, it might be time to give a new method a try. It can be very frustrating to try diet after diet without success, but there is still hope when you give something new a cha...

04th June 2010

4 Quick Ways to Lose Weight

It is possible to loose weight in a matter of weeks without fad diets or starvation. By simply following a few simple rules you can easily lose 10 pounds within the next month. The more educated you are on food types and what the food you eat is made of t...

14th May 2010

Bowtrol Probiotics Review

Probiotics are living microorganisms; basically "good" bacteria. These bacteria can provide great health benefits from helping with allergies to allowing you to live longer. With all these benefits, there is no reason that you shouldn't include a probioti...

30th April 2010

Broccoli Recipe For People Who Hate Broccoli

Broccoli Recipes are generally created for those who love broccoli right? But this broccoli recipe is for people who hate broccoli! When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat a piece of broccoli if you paid me. Now I found a way to get broccoli into my diet and my ...

14th December 2009

Weight Loss Demystified Ideas

It seems that everyone is determined to stay in their best shape these days. You can't even drive down the street without seeing someone running or power walking. This need to stay in shape goes beyond exercise though; it also has most people watching wha...

21st November 2009

5 Reasons To Reach For A Green Smoothie To Fast Track Your Health

Not everyone would salivate at the idea of a green smoothie. If your one of these people then you're missing out on a fast track ticket to great health! This gloriously green smoothie is actually a simple blend of assorted fruits with green vegetables add...

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