Author Details


Member Since: 11th November 2009
Occupation: internet marketing
No of Articles: 3
About Me: Clifford McHanter is an internet marketer. He is one of the experts in on Different Products that is being Tested by different experts. He believes that through internet he could help other people in their problems by giving tips and ebooks. He is also one of the experts in Deiting and Dating Solutions. His latest Hobby that Pay Tips are one of the latest strategies in innovations and development in the present.


18th December 2009

Holiday Diet Tips and Healthy Ideas

We are now fast approaching Holiday Season as well as Christmas vacation. I know what you think when I say Holiday Season, it's about parties, celebrations, anniversaries and all the sweet foods you can imagine. But how about your holiday diet, Holiday fi...

14th December 2009

Weight Loss Demystified Ideas

It seems that everyone is determined to stay in their best shape these days. You can't even drive down the street without seeing someone running or power walking. This need to stay in shape goes beyond exercise though; it also has most people watching wha...

10th December 2009

Going Green and Its Benefits

Let face the reality that we are now in the most modern society as well as the environment that is more on development and improvement. Industries and Businesses are now in the different parts of the land. Going Green was something for these businesses gi...