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Articles, tagged with "prince william", page 1

24th May 2011

Famous London nightclubs

London's know for its nightlife, and it has some famous venues, and famous people go to the famous venues. Some of the most famous for being famous in London are: - Chinawhite - Merah - Funky Buddha - Mahiki Chinawhite Out of all of the...

24th May 2011

Turning down the Royal Wedding invitations sent by the Royal family.

The continued unrest in Bahrain has prompted Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa of Bahrain to turn down the Royal Wedding invitations sent by the Royal family. The crown prince made the announcement that he had to decline the Royal wedding invitati...

16th May 2011

Style Magazine, Style and Fashion

LONDON - The gown comes complete absent, the partying friends have left Buckingham Palace and Prince William returns to military duty subsequent week rather than going for a honeymoon with Kate Middleton.The newlyweds had been praised Sunday for becoming ...

10th May 2011

Download Your Own Royal Wedding Route Map

Are you going to be standing at the side of the road to watch the Prince William and Kate Middleton, or are you going to be one of the lucky ones outside Westminster Abbey to watch the Royal Wedding? Why not download our Royal Wedding Route Map? Here y...

04th May 2011

The Event Of 2011 - the UK’s Royal Wedding

The 7 year courting period of Prince William of Wales with Kate Middleton of England ended with their wedding engagement on October 2010. The couple decided to join hands after only 7 years from the start of the relationship that started in the University...

03rd May 2011

Abdicate? Not A Chance. Here's Why Charles Will Reign When His Time Comes.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant The engagement of Prince William of Wales and the comely commoner Kate Middleton has caused a long simmering question to flare up again. Will Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, stand down in favor of the lovely couple? Those who a...

28th April 2011

Prince William and Kate Middleton The Royal Wedding

The marriage ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton is quickly approaching.On April 29 2011 the pleased couple will celebrate their vows at the historical and magnificent Westminster Abbey in London. King Henry I and Princess Matilda of Scotland we...

08th April 2011

Looking For HD Stock Footage Of The Royal Wedding?

Just like the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton is a worldwide event of epic proportions. And because of HD technology, the quality of the videography is outstanding. This means that findin...

07th April 2011

Prince William and Kate Royal Wedding Guides Review

Have you up to speed with the excellent exhilaration in London? Prince William and Kate Middleton are obtaining married! After their engagement in October, the couple has finally made the decision to exchange "I do's" on April 29, 2011. This royal wedding...

04th April 2011

The Royal Heirloom Ring: Bring a Fairytale Piece of Jewelry Home

The Royal Heirloom ring is a beloved institution of the Royal family. Bestowed at one time upon the hand of Princess Diana of Wales by Prince Charles, this stunning, exquisitely detailed replica of the same heirloom showcases unsurpassed beauty while emb...

29th March 2011

Nails Suitable for the Royal Event of the Century

The Royal wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William is one of the most anticipated events of the 2011, and will be taking place on April 29th at Westminster Abbey in London. One question on fashion conscious peoples’ minds is what Kate and William...

25th March 2011

Turmoil in Buckingham as Prince William Separates Himself from Andrew

It is a little over a month before the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton and the royal family is in an uproar over the recent happenings of William’s uncle, Prince Andrew. The Duke of York has, of course, been in the news as of late due to his...

24th March 2011

Britain's Royal Wedding - The Societal Happening of the Decade in London

All of Great Britain is abuzz with anticipation for Britain's Royal Wedding happening April 29, 2011. Prince William, second in line to the throne, is going to be getting married to Kate Middleton, and the way it is shaping up the Kingdom is ready for a ...

02nd March 2011

Prince William to Wed Kate Middleton

Prince William is getting married! Not the 1st in line for the throne, he is following after his father, Prince Charles, and the UK has lengthy waited to see if his prolonged-phrase relationship with his college girl friend would consequence in wedding ce...

21st October 2010

It Takes a Special Effort for Oil Spills Clean Up to be Done Right

Cleaning up oil from a spill is a long, precarious task that takes lots of skill, hard work and requires the right tools. If not done right, the water and beaches could become saturated with oil that will poison wildlife and ruin the beaches as well as th...

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