Author Details

IPS Oil Clean Up

Member Since: 19th July 2010
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


17th May 2011

Tips to Help You Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users

Mobile Search is constantly on the rise. As more and more people purchase smart phones and as smartphones get more and more powerful, mobile search has become a very big focus for many companies. Whether you are a local business or service the nation/wor...

21st October 2010

It Takes a Special Effort for Oil Spills Clean Up to be Done Right

Cleaning up oil from a spill is a long, precarious task that takes lots of skill, hard work and requires the right tools. If not done right, the water and beaches could become saturated with oil that will poison wildlife and ruin the beaches as well as th...

22nd September 2010

Beach Cleanup Only Helps After an Event

The beaches along the Gulf of Mexico are beautiful places to enjoy a relaxing afternoon basking in the sun or playing in the waves that crash into the shoreline. However, the beaches can be threatened by erosion or storms or other extreme events that will...

22nd August 2010

Fighting the BP Oil Spill with Enviro Bond 403™

Many weapons are being brought out to help clean up the mess left behind by the BP oil spill. Beaches are becoming saturated with oil and businesses are reporting that this is the worst year they have experienced. However, there are some things that have ...

22nd August 2010

HESCO® Units and Enviro-Armour™ Providing Beach Protection for Gulf Coast

The danger of oil from the BP spill coming onshore to Gulf of Mexico beaches is still present despite the fact that the well from BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig appears to be capped. Some oil has already come onshore and is causing damage to the beaches. ...

22nd August 2010

Beach Cleanup May Take While After Oil Leak Plugged

The oil leak from the broken well of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig seems to be plugged for the moment, but the beach cleanup effort is still underway. Tar balls and oil slicks have been coming onshore to beaches located along the Gulf of Mexico and oil s...