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Articles, tagged with "peers", page 3

29th June 2010

Honest Parenting

Which road do I have to take to rear a good child? The arrival of a baby can be an overwhelming task. The arrival of a baby is just the starting preparations involved in raising a child, as we all know that parenting is actually a life long commitment....

08th June 2010

2 Things Teenagers Worry and Think About

These young adults have it good. Teenagers often times feel that the world is against them or they feel or that no one understands them. In reality, they do not realize the pressures of work and earning a living for the family. Maybe it is just the ragi...

29th April 2010

SMS Marketing- What is the Hype all about?

There is a lot of hype about mobile marketing and not without reason. Mobile penetration is increasing by significant percentage in the US and in countries like Singapore. There are more than 1 mobile phone per person. This works out to a mobile penetrati...

08th April 2010

Hire a Portable Toilet- Why Compromise on your Big Day?

Hire a portable toilet Why compromise on your big day ? Abstract Our traditions and culture distributes a statement that "honoring the guest is next to serving god". We try accommodating the best facilities to our guest. We take all the care to give best ...

11th March 2010

Divorce – how it affects the children

Couples who are about to get divorced should know that their decision could have a negative impact on their child's long-term academic performance. The consequences of parental divorce may lead to higher school drop-out rates among children whose parents ...

02nd March 2010

4 Tips For A Great Relationship With Your Teenage Children

The world in which we are living has changed so much over the last 20 years. Because of all the changes in communication and technology it has also become a smaller place. Our children are much more exposed to all aspects of life, both good and bad. ...

27th January 2010

Amazing world of Voice agency, let’s discover

Today is the era of power and vigour. When you are in a business it's not only your written communications which should appear powerful, even your vocal recordings should reflect the weight of the supremacy. Today its voice which impacts the customers ...

25th January 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bilingual Children

I speak Swedish and my husband's native language is English. When we had our two children, we had no doubt that we wanted to raise them with equal access to both languages. Now, years later, when I've made promoting multilingual child-raising not just my ...

21st January 2010

Get Rid of Those Embarrassing Chicken Pox Scars

To ERASE Chicken Pox Scars you need to know about how to Treat Acne Scars Safely and Effectively. If you have irregular chicken pox scars on your face, arms, legs or other places, and you want to smooth out your skin for an unnoticeable look, then you'll ...

23rd December 2009

With Swim Lessons, Boulder Children Will Be Safer

Parents and caregivers want to do everything they can to protect their children from harm, and this is especially true if the kids will be around the water. To take the worry out of having young children near swimming pools, parents and caregivers can pr...

24th November 2009

Which Style of Parent Are You?

Want to be a better parent? Knowing what your current parenting style is will help you identify your needed areas for improvement. Promoting the self-discipline and self-esteem of the children in your family often requires an emotional juggling act by you...

24th November 2009

Reinvent Yourself With The All New Cosmetic Surgery Treatment

Looking young and feeling young is the one desire that every person wishes in his or her lifetime. One can't help but succumb to the effects of old age where wrinkles are the inevitable companion of one and all. Now, that science and technology has made g...

11th November 2009

Teens Need Each Other!

The afternoon after the 31st of October, after everyone had gotten over the pumpkins and dress ups, my brother and I were walking back home after playing a great game of tennis. It all started when a large group of teens were walking towards us on the ...

23rd October 2009

Great Communicator so Persuasive..

What makes a great communicator so persuasive? What makes the best leader motivational? How does one become a great, inspirational leader? "I wasn't a great communicator, but I communicated great things." --Reagan in his farewell address as presiden...

23rd October 2009

Who Should Consider Breaking A Cell Phone Contract?

Cell phones are the rage since the last few years, almost everyone today owns a cell phone and along with a means of communication a cell phone has become a status symbol too. College students and young people are especially attracted to newer cell phone ...

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