Author Details


Member Since: 03rd September 2009
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Nineteen year old inter-generational relationships & social networking expert as well as bestselling author Eva-Maria is on the mission to help improve adult-teenager relationships by giving the teen perspective and bridging the gap of misunderstanding between 10,000,000 teenagers and adults worldwide! She has touched millions of people's lives through her family coaching, international speaking and seminars, as well as her books 'You Shut Up!' and 'Shush, You!'. The bestselling author, international speaker and certified coach invites you too, to join the mission and help improve at least one adult-teen relationship in your life. Invite Eva-Maria to speak or engage her as a social networking expert.


11th November 2009

Teens Need Each Other!

The afternoon after the 31st of October, after everyone had gotten over the pumpkins and dress ups, my brother and I were walking back home after playing a great game of tennis. It all started when a large group of teens were walking towards us on the ...