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Member Since: 19th April 2010
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


29th April 2010

Different options available for Mobile advertisers

Mobile messaging technology is primarily based on SMS and MMS services. The enormous reach and scale of these two forms of mobile technology have made these 2 mediums a favorite for marketers. There are different variations of mobile marketing that includ...

29th April 2010

Knowing all about the Mobile Marketing Guidelines

SMS service is a communication medium that enables 2 mobile subscribers to send short text messages between their mobile devices. The messages are of 160 characters and it is also known as "text messaging" or "texting." All mobile operator networks suppor...

29th April 2010

How to choose a service provider for a sms marketing campaign?

Choosing the right service provider is important for the success of your sms marketing campaign. Here we outline some of the important factors that you need to check to ensure success of your sms marketing campaign. Setting the campaign should be easy and...

29th April 2010

Know the language of SMS marketing

SMS marketing is catching up with marketers and small and medium business owners. But before you start on a campaign it is important to know the language of Mobile marketing. Let me start with something simple. 'Single Opt-in' is a term used mobile market...

29th April 2010

SMS Marketing- What is the Hype all about?

There is a lot of hype about mobile marketing and not without reason. Mobile penetration is increasing by significant percentage in the US and in countries like Singapore. There are more than 1 mobile phone per person. This works out to a mobile penetrati...

29th April 2010

5 steps for an effective sms marketing campaign

SMS marketing is a great way to promote your business but it is not always successful. We share some easy steps with you to ensure that your sms marketing campaign gives the desired results. Not many of us know that there is an organization named Institut...