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Articles, tagged with "stereotype", page 1

14th December 2011

Select Arts and Paintings for Home Interiors

Works of art! Is this only reserved to the upper class? It’s a stereotype to believe that art is only bought by the “rich people”. In fact, artworks can be very accessible and can “stick” to any design. Of course, if you are looking to purchase original a...

13th July 2011

Bridesmaids: 2011’s Biggest Flop

Bridesmaids has been heralded as the female version of The Hangover. However, judging by the film trailers it looks to be nothing more than a knockoff in search of horribly cheap laughs with an eerily familiar plot. Hopefully the film itself will consist...

12th April 2011

Hints on Finding Brunette for Your Hair Shade

As a result, while originating from an actual need to have, that of shopping and feeling much better, the genius of skilled hair care products and solutions lies in the actuality that they can be organized to make a just about limitless palette of results...

28th December 2010

Boxing Away Wrinkles

Botox, scientifically known as Botulinum toxin, is an organic compound processed from neurotoxin which are amino acids. It is a protein that skews the function of the nervous system. This sounds dangerous, but Botox was approved as a cosmetic tool by th...

06th October 2010

Fashion and Food

When it comes to food many times one thinks the world of fashion is often referred to as the bringer of stereotypes and negative educational impact unhealthy. In recent years however there have been many campaigns for good and balanced diet and effort...

10th December 2009

What about the Curls?

Unfortunately, not all women have curly hair, and it sometimes seems that not all women can make their hair curly. When it seems that nothing helps and the dream about curls vanishes in the air, there is still hope - ceramic curling iron . This kind of n...

04th June 2009

Spring Cleaning in One Weekend: How to Do It

Spring cleaning is often thought of as a long, arduous process that forces one to spend days on end with the annoying tedium of organization and cleaning. This stereotype, however, is something of a misconception. While elaborate spring cleaning plans...

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