Spring Cleaning in One Weekend: How to Do It

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Spring cleaning is often thought of as a long, arduous process that forces one to spend days on end with the annoying tedium of organization and cleaning. This stereotype, however, is something of a misconception. While elaborate spring cleaning plans can take weeks, a simple, efficient and well planned home process can be taken care of in only a weekend.

There are three keys to making this work. Prior planning, while important, should not take too much time. Prioritize certain rooms in such a way that you can do one at a time, and have the right rooms available for usage at the right times. The final step towards effectively cleaning your home in one weekend is to really devote that time to cleaning, and avoid getting caught up in other activities.

Planning is crucial if you want to streamline your spring cleaning into a weekend long process. Before the weekend of action comes, there are a few things that you should have identified. First, figure out any trouble spots around your living space. Places that you know do not work as they currently are, and that may need some sort of storage related product to be purchased to make work. The second part of planning is to make plans to get any sort of obstructive force out of your way that weekend. Whatever it may be, you need to find a way to make it help you, or get rid of it for the time. A third important step of preparation is to take a rough mental inventory of the various items around your home. Remind yourself of those things that you have not used for years, get a grip on the various odds and ends in your kitchen and begin to think about how you will solve those problems.

Prioritizing rooms when you begin cleaning is quite possibly the most important part of making your spring cleaning work. Getting halfway through your kitchen, then starting to work on the living can get problematic come dinner time. The kitchen is probably one of the most challenging places to clean, so tackle that first. It also helps to have an orderly kitchen available to meet any refreshment needs throughout the day.

Another trouble spot is the bedroom. You do not want to get caught in the middle of cleaning a bedroom when it gets to be time for anybody to have to go to bed. Then you end up going off task, performing a quick fix, and having to go back later to solve the problem. Make sure work on the bedrooms are timed in such a way that the rooms are ready to be lived in when the time comes that they are needed.

Living rooms can take a backseat, because other rooms can at least manage to replace their functions in the short term. Offices, on the hand, are completely based on your personal situation. If another member of the household will need to work in the office at certain times, then be sure to plan cleaning time around that. This thought of prioritizing rooms can sound a bit primitive at first, but as you begin to go through all of your stuff and try to solve problems, it will help to know what has been done in other rooms, where you have extra space and what alternate locations could be available. Make sure that you try to tackle trouble spots first. It will give you the ability to alter ideas for other rooms based on the needs that arise from the areas of difficulty.

Having the freedom to work without any interruption is crucial if you are going to get through your entire spring cleaning routine in a weekend. With the frequency with which you will be moving from room to room, upturning furniture, cleaning out closets, bookshelves and other areas, you will need all the space you can. As long as nobody is in your way, or complaining that you are making a mess in the process of cleaning, this works great to quickly deal with organizational issues.

If you cannot completely get distractions out of the house, try redirecting them with a chore or activity, take care of one room, restrict their territory to that space, and give them something to keep them busy. While it is never quite that simple, the effort can help to supplement challenges.

A quality spring cleaning is something that almost all living spaces need after a long winter of living almost entirely indoors. Thankfully, the process of getting the job done can fit into just a weekend. By planning well, prioritizing rooms to work on and keeping away distractions, anyone can successfully clean their entire home in just one weekend.

Nick Kakolowski is a freelance writer who writes about home organization often focusing on a specific kind of item such as garage organizers.

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