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Articles, tagged with "dissatisfaction", page 1

24th October 2012

Call Centres are Reopening in Britain, Despite the Economy

The recession has seen countless businesses fold. Surprisingly, call centres / call centre companies have not been as badly affected by the economic downturn as one might think, mainly because of the savings many have made in relocating centres abroad. Ho...

12th October 2011

When Divorce Hurts Too Long - Stages of Divorce

There's the thought in the mental health community that anyone who feels that they had no idea their ex-spouse or ex-woman/boy friend was unhappy, might not are reading the signs. They will are ignoring them hoping they would escape if no attention was pa...

07th June 2011

The Finest Skincare Every day - Essential Tips for Beautiful Skin

Persons with dry pores and skin are often be heard to express dissatisfaction with the skin that they have. The rewards of dry pores and skin are that your pores and skin does not look sweaty, it is not susceptible to pimples and acne and it is straightfo...

02nd June 2011

How to Manifest From The Heart

Could it be that the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Need Our Help? Popular culture has us all believing we can have whatever we want, and that getting what we want is the pathway to success and social importance. Beginning with books from the 1930’s like...

07th April 2011

Rediscover Yourself in Malaysia

May be until now you never had the time to take care of yourself. Dissatisfaction regarding physical appearance and assets is prevalent among women. So this is the time for you to realize your dreams to look beautiful. We combine effective cosmetic plasti...

06th April 2011

Distressing Effects of Abuse on Children

Child abuse leaves a deep scar in the hearts and minds of children. It is no less than a crime, a crime that takes away the joy of childhood. Sadly, the abusers are friends, family, neighbors, and relatives who don’t even give a second thought when abusin...

28th March 2011

What To Consider When Evaluating Online Divorce Websites

Online banking, online shopping, online gaming, online marriages and online divorce, the internet has really made our lives easy and convenient like never before. Yet, one more thing that came with the internet is a number of crimes and fraud that were on...

05th March 2011

Pay As You Go Phones : Scintilating Way To Pay Less

There is an old saying that,”all that glitters is not gold”. There are so many mobile phone users in the United Kingdom, who are dissatisfied with their network providers. This dissatisfaction is usually with contract mobile phones where user is bounded t...

16th February 2011

Mobile phone deals: Satisfying Contract Deals

Most of the inhabitants in UK are publicly active plus enjoy being perceived. They are just a new way of gaining notice as they are rather the fashion declaration these days. This makes the community particular when they choose to purchase their cell phon...

28th January 2011

The Two-Way Communication System That Provides Customers' Feedback

The voices of customers are essential for an organization. Every interaction that your chosen business has with a customer enables a way to build loyalty or lose it. Customers' voices allow organizations to hold track of the endless number of interaction...

26th January 2011

Mobile phones: Luxury made Affordable

The communication system the world followed has been completely replaced and revolutionized with the introduction of cellular phones. A mobile phone is a must for everyone to possess to keep in touch with their kin and very close family. To make cell phon...

03rd December 2010

How the Republican Majority in the House will Impact US Tax Law

Leading up to the election last week, Republican candidates promised serious tax law changes in the next two years. However, since Democrats retained control of the Senate, many are wondering which, if any, of these promises will actually come to fruition...

02nd December 2010

Fast Weight Loss Programs Will Work

By Lori in Diet
Several fast diet systems are not successful. There consist of a variety of reasons rapid weight loss plans do not work. Possibly these dieting systems limit foods. Perhaps these programs starve individuals. Maybe these plans have unattainable goals. But,...

15th November 2010

Forecast of First Ten Days of November For The World

Forecast of First Ten Days of November for the World 1st November 2010 Monday: Today share and stock market will improve. Particularly iron skips rates will go high. For common man it’s a normal day. On political front things are not that good. P...

27th October 2010

When Is Permanent Make-Up A Good Choice?

Many people consider permanent make-up to be simply a time saving solution in their morning routine. The truth is, permanent make-up is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance your facial features in ways regular make-up cannot. There are many reasons...

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