Distressing Effects of Abuse on Children

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Child abuse leaves a deep scar in the hearts and minds of children. It is no less than a crime, a crime that takes away the joy of childhood. Sadly, the abusers are friends, family, neighbors, and relatives who don’t even give a second thought when abusing children and shattering their soul into pieces.

Children are too immature to understand the truth of life but they strongly feel the impact of abuses and domestic violence. These abusive acts leave distressing effects like formation of troublesome behavior and acceptance of an isolated life on children.

Apart from these there are physical, social, sexual, and emotional effects that they suffer from. The first and foremost effect is the loss of self-esteem that over a period of time transform into negative view of themselves. Some of the key indicators of devalued self-esteem are lack of performance at school, feeling of dissatisfaction at work, and living in isolation.

Another severe effect of child abuse is shifting of dependency. Children usually don’t understand why the abuses are happening but over the period of time they start feeling insecure at home. Thereafter, their dependency shift from parents to teachers and friends for satisfying all their needs. Children move out from the family boundaries for gratification of all their physical, social, and emotional needs.

Then the effects are seen in the behavior of victimized children. Most of these children start involving themselves in activities that violate social norms. There is deviation form the normal lifestyle and children indulge in abnormal activities that are indicated by absence from school, absence from work, drug addiction, stealing money, and hostile reactions.

Victimized children also suffer from social and interpersonal problems like poor communication, coping ability, failure in developing intimate relations, mistrust, and isolation. Most of the child suffering from the effects prefer a life in solitude and confide their friends during hours of need. A large number have antagonistic relationships with their parents and family members and many even abandon their families.

Depending on the magnitude and type of abuse, the degree and level of effects keep altering. Whatever the abuse and whatever the effect; the fact is that effects of child abuse are heart-rending. When in such a small age all these painful moments get associated with children, life becomes tougher and tougher in the long run. The journey from childhood to old age is no less than a curse for them.

Also learn Effects of Domestic Violence on Children.

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