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Articles, tagged with "financial news", page 1

26th September 2011

Latest lifestyle news- match steps with vogue

The news is the coverage of information around the world what was happening in every second. News has two priorities, like news must be current, and news must help the people something. A story about the environment and a story about the Oscars can both b...

06th July 2011

Finance News of J&K: Stigma on Nation

As Indians and as world citizens, both ways, we know Jammu and Kashmir. This topmost state of Indian subcontinent is synonymous to heavenly beauty before it was raided by vandalism induced by Pakistan. Whenever the name of the state is highlighted we take...

16th May 2011

Demand or Interest

We youngsters love latest. Latest songs heard. Latest movies reviewed. Latest fashion adopted. Latest news appeared (whether aired, broadcasted or published!). They become our world. Well everybody wants that but it is different with youngsters. We are cr...

06th May 2011

All About Mobile Testing

Inception of Smart phones had probably set up the pace, and since then mobile companies never looked back. From the normal talking device to iPhone, mobile phones have come a long way. With the advent of smart phones, another important and equally int...

26th April 2011

Current Political News Monitoring In Real-time, Art or Science

There is something about human nature which makes us want to prioritize information by how recent it is, and that is the fundamental appeal of real time news monitoring. The difference between real time monitoring and regular news distribution is that rea...

02nd March 2011

Why The Beauty Industry Hates Men - Beauty Industry and Missed Opportunities Part 1

Part 1 of a 2 Part Series: Missed Opportunities and The Beauty Industry In business, we've all played the "if I only knew then what I know now…" game. And yes, most - if not all - of us would lunge at the opportunity to jump into a time machine and e...

29th December 2010

Why I Prefer A Wall Street Journal Subscription

There was a time when I avoided financial news on the whole. This was due to the fact that I felt inadequate to digest financial news. After all, I do not have a financial background, and often felt lost just listening to analysts talk about stocks. Today...

08th March 2010

The £5 Billion 'Protection Racket' Uncovered - PPI Misselling

As the UK economy comes out of recession and we start to count our banking casualties; LloydsTSB, RBS, Northern Rock just to name a few, some even more frightening financial news is about to come to light. The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has branded Paym...

26th November 2009

Influence of broadcasting on financial market

Communication plays a vital role in financial industry. It is mandatory to keep all investors and agents informed almost immediately. It is even more important to transmit financial messages using a reliable and secured channel, as most of the financial d...

18th June 2009

Tips & tricks to save money, Save time and money, News and information

It is always good to lead a happy, prosperous and a lavish life full of comforts and luxuries and what can make your dream of living a wealthy life come true, is none other than money. However, one should never forget that everything on this earth depends...

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