Finance News of J&K: Stigma on Nation

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As Indians and as world citizens, both ways, we know Jammu and Kashmir. This topmost state of Indian subcontinent is synonymous to heavenly beauty before it was raided by vandalism induced by Pakistan. Whenever the name of the state is highlighted we take it that it must be about some new army deployment to stop terror attacks in that particular location or something like that. Jammu Kashmir news could never be separated from ravages its neighboring country has caused it time to time.

The placing of this state in Indian map gives us concerns from the point of view of national security due to eyes of China and Pakistan alike. Most of the Latest News about this once wonderful land is either directly or indirectly related to terrorism. Financial concerns of this state were never part of our routine dose of financial news. Doesn’t that situation draw attention as far as our national integrity is concerned?

Finance: Getting Secondary?

As far as Jammu and Kashmir is thought of, we know it only from the eyes of Jammu Kashmir news most of the time. How frugalities are making the life of citizens of this state worse, is generally uncovered. If covered, they are not paid attention to. Latest news of this state makes headlines only when the situations are dire.

This is restricting our understanding of J&K in financial terms. Importance of finances can’t be neglected because this is the only way people see to their livelihood. This is hindering our view. We are eager for financial news of Gujarat. We feel good to see Bihar and UP progressing in the same path. But where has J&K got lost among them?

Love That Got Lost In Catfight

We saw where our single mindedness is taking Jammu and Kashmir to. We shout in houses of Politics. We blame on each other as countries. We are doing everything but also shying away from our own responsibilities as the citizens of the same nation. Our comprehension of Jammu and Kashmir has allowed us to get prejudiced against our own people who unfortunately got stranded on land of violence. On the other hand our latest news on “India Shines” holds no meaning if we remain biased without really understanding the real thing.

What we need to do is change the face of Jammu Kashmir News. We need to have a peep in to real life and struggle of those people and connect with rest of the financial news of India. We need to know there joy and sorrows alike. The onus of our people is on us. Now we have to decide how we carry it.

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