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Articles, tagged with "co2 emissions", page 1

23rd August 2011

London’s Most Sustainable Building

In recent times, the state, climate and ultimately the CO2 emissions produced in the city of London is always a topic on the governmental agenda, with MPs and environmentalists looking for ways to cut the amount of pollution produced by the iconic UK capi...

15th August 2011

How can I reduce my bills with sustainable building solutions?

As the years go by, the amount of effort and publicity given to sustainable building solutions increases, as the government aims to make the average consumer aware of how we are polluting our environment, and the measures we can take to reduce our CO2 emi...

24th May 2011

Green with envy? Solar panel fever is spreading!

Solar Panel technology has in general always received favourable coverage in the media, and why not? Long-term savings, a cleaner environment and government help schemes are just a few of the benefits to both homeowners and the environment they live in. A...

23rd May 2011

Which Are The Top 5 Greenest Cities In United States?

The EPA has no official ranking system in place for determining how green any city is. But a general consensus has made it clear that there are certain attributes that must be present in order for a city to be considered " green". These include designate...

31st March 2011

Managing Carbon Footprints

Open any new publication and you are sure to find a reference on Carbon Footprint and its damage to the earth. From melting of the polar ice regions to the altering weather conditions, it shows the amount of damage done by the humans to the environment. A...

22nd March 2011

5 ethical practices that can help reduce your companies CO2 emissions

Solar Panels In this article we run down 5 easy exercises to implement into your business to help reduce your companies’ carbon emissions: 1. Solar Panels – Many large businesses with high net profit should look to invest in solar panels in a bid to...

03rd March 2011

Konica Minolta Among "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World"

To be listed in the Top 100 most sustainable business models in the world, is a major result for any company, and when you consider that Konica Minolta is a company that delivers high quality products to the print world, there are chemicals and solutions ...

02nd March 2011

7 Eco-Friendly Celebrities

It seems that every celebrity has a duty of care on their shoulders, and it is expected that they should give back to the community and contribute towards some of the world’s most pressing issues. So here is a list of celebrities who we feel deserve prais...

13th January 2011

Innergreen produces a range of Eco-Friendly products

Have you heard about Innergreen? This is amazing stuff! Literally! Innergreen produces a range of Eco-Friendly products that are derived from 100% natural resources. In fact, the products that will be of most interest to you are made from 100% natural co...

17th December 2010

Tenement Buildings Go Green

Scientists using thermal imaging equipment have been sent on a mission to turn Scotland’s traditional but hard-to-heat tenement buildings green. As the Scottish Government scrambles to meet their ambitious target of slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 4...

08th December 2010

Global Warming affects Sea Life

There was a CMFRI ( Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute of India ) report that Global Warming affects fish production. Co2 emissions are more. The Carbon Dioxide combines with ocean water and forms Carbolic Acid. This increases the acidity l...

06th October 2010

Scotland Half Way to Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Scotland is half way to reaching it's target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 42 per cent within the next 10 years, according to official figures released by the Scottish government. In the last decade greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland fell by 20 pe...

15th September 2010

5 Ways to Reduce your Video Production Company’s Carbon Footprint

According to the Green Screen Summary Report (April 2009) … “The total carbon footprint of London’s screen production industry is approximately 125,000 tonnes a year. This is roughly equivalent to the annual emissions from almost 24,0...

03rd June 2010

Newsflash - Volcano Causes Cow Flatulence-Part 1

A source tells me that the Icelandic volcano eruption that has been spewing ash and inconvenience all over Europe lately has negated every single effort we have made over the last half a decade to control the dreaded CO2 emissions that are CHOKING OUR PLA...

25th May 2010

Pete Thomas Scamardo - Buying Green and Saving Green

Shared by Pete Thomas ScamardoWhen it's time to buy new equipment, IT buyers should think green because it can result in significant savings for businesses, says The savings from new data center equipment comes from their lower energy consu...

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