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Member Since: 23rd December 2009
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


31st January 2011

Oil Spill Report Calls for Lessons to be Learned

Safety experts and environmental campaigners want tougher regulations governing deep water drilling in UK seas following an investigation into last year's Gulf of Mexico disaster which found cost cutting and short cuts were to blame. While the government...

17th December 2010

Tenement Buildings Go Green

Scientists using thermal imaging equipment have been sent on a mission to turn Scotland’s traditional but hard-to-heat tenement buildings green. As the Scottish Government scrambles to meet their ambitious target of slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 4...

17th December 2010

Energy Saving Devices are to be given out by Home Energy Scotland

The Scottish Government needs to address the real causes of fuel poverty, which prevents people from reducing their energy use, claims a leading community trust. The North Edinburgh Trust, whose Future Families initiative funded by Climate Challenge has ...

06th October 2010

Scotland Half Way to Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Scotland is half way to reaching it's target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 42 per cent within the next 10 years, according to official figures released by the Scottish government. In the last decade greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland fell by 20 pe...

06th October 2010

Holidaymakers Save Money rather Than Their Carbon Footprint

Only a tiny number of holidaymakers look for an environmentally friendly place to stay and more than three-quarters think offsetting their carbon footprint is an added expense they can do without, claims new research. A survey of 9,500 travellers found j...