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Articles, tagged with "burning sensation", page 2

25th May 2010

Acid Reflux And Diet

Acid reflux occurs when the contents located in the stomach backs up into the esophagus. The medical name for this is gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Numerous times acid reflux disease can be quite severe with a lot of symptoms that you may be...

14th January 2010

Tips to Reduce Your Food Allergies

Food allergies, stomach problems and indigestion are often prevalent due to the modern life style. One must understand that there is a need to change the life style as it is not right. In the long run, it will deprive you of the essential enzymes and nutr...

14th January 2010

Food Allergies - Causes and Cure

Food allergies often occur when you are not eating the right stuff. In addition to this, your immune system is also not helping you in any way. You must build a strong immune system, by eating a lot of natural products which have a lot of medicinal value....

16th December 2009

Importance of Water To Promote Good Healthh

Your body needs to be well hydrated. To keep your body hydrated you must have a lot of water content in your food that you eat and must also drink a lot of water. It is required for adequate functioning of the gastro intestinal tract and is a life saving ...

11th December 2009

Advantages of IPLâ„¢ Photorejuvenation Treatment

While no one is immune to the aging process, there are definitely things we can do to slow down the process. This is especially true when considering environmental factors such as UV sun exposure. As most of us age, "photo damaged" skin can look blemishe...

07th October 2009

Gout Diet

Gout is a form of arthritis that often occurs in the middle of the night, sudden attacking your joints with a deep, persistent pain. The pain of gout often results from needle-like crystals of uric acid formed in the body's connective tissue or in the joi...

17th September 2009

Aftershave: Find out how good aftershave lotion can be after a shave?

All men who apply aftershave lotion after-shave have to put up with the burning sensation that is the outcome of the alcohol present in aftershave lotions. Aftershave lotions came in vogue after people started shaving regularly in their homes and required...

17th September 2009

Aftershave: Fragrant Skin Care tips for Men

Shaving is a passionate job for men, nothing can enhance looks of a man like shaving does, and removal of stubble will transform your face and looks drastically. After getting over with shaving, all men require doing is bathing and applying that attractiv...

16th September 2009

Acne Scar Removal - Yours Choices Explained

If you are hiding your face because of acne scars then you are probably willing to do just about anything to clear up your face. These days you have a few different options when it comes to acne scar removal. The method of scar removal that is right for y...

16th September 2009

Lip Color Should Be Applied in a Proper Manner

In this piece of writing we will provide you number of ways to apply the lipsense color lip gloss in a right way: First of all clean your lips and also dehydrate them. Then completely vibrate the lipsense color on you lips for about twenty to twenty five...

16th September 2009

Lipsense will Offer Burning Sensation when applied for very First Time

Lipsense is a lip gloss product from the senegence which is very simple, easy to apply and best for dry lips. Lipsense is especially for those women who want that their lip color to remain on their lips and do not want to eat it. This lip gloss product af...

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