Food Allergies - Causes and Cure

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Food allergies often occur when you are not eating the right stuff. In addition to this, your immune system is also not helping you in any way. You must build a strong immune system, by eating a lot of natural products which have a lot of medicinal value. Eating food rich in enzymes will also help you. Gas, bloating, bad gut health, belching, stomach problems and heart burning sensation are the common symptoms of food allergies.

Cooked foods contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is damaged and thus requires us to make our own enzymes to process the food. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.

Common reasons for such problems:

Modern life style: Due to modern life style, people have often forgotten the basic nutrients required by the body. They end up eating junk food, fast food like burgers, chips, fried stuff and pizzas which are high in butter and cheese and hence do not get digested fast.

Lack of exercise: Exercise is important for your digestion. Your food products need to be broken down if they have to absorb the nutrients present in the food, you also require enzymes for their absorption. These are found only in raw fruits, raw vegetables and milk products such as curds, soya milk etc. You must also consider eating green grams, fresh sprouts which are rich in enzymes.

Not eating fruits and vegetables: Have you forgotten the importance of fruits and vegetables? They are rich in fibre and carbohydrates which are essential for digestion. If your diet lacks these things, you are bound to suffer from stomach problems.

Food rich in fat: Oily and fried food is good to taste but are heavy on your stomach. It is best to bring their consumption down to a minimum level, if you can't completely avoid them.

Medicines: Some medicines may cause problems. You must tell your physician about the possible allergies you usually experience when you have certain medicines. They can suggest you medicines which may be good to treat your ailments and at the same time does not cause any harm.

Dearth of sleep: Lack of sleep may disturb your digestive pattern too.

You can buy all natural supplements that can help add enzymes to your diet. Regardless of whether you take all natural supplements or start eating all natural products, you need to address the problem. Eat healthy and lead a happy and healthy life!

Vijay Koragappa Shetty, Expert Author, Platinum Status. Information on Irritable bowel: Irritable Bowels

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