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Articles, tagged with "natural phenomena", page 1

19th September 2011

2012 Predictions – 2012 End Of The World

As the dreaded 2012 is just around the corner, you need to know that there are several predictions and prophecies that may want to change your views and perspective about it. This occurrence may shape up the course of mankind because several astrologers b...

15th June 2011

Cabbage Soup Diet Tips How Essential Is The Mind In Relation To Successful Dieting

Frequently than not, when we read about someone going on a diet regime, we usually presume that they are organizing all sorts of tested recipes, counting their calories and other things to manage their metabolic rate just like taking some weightloss pills...

05th May 2011

IRS, A Government Leviathan and the Right of Citizens

The IRS is trying to improve and this is a truth that must be told. They have recently responded to the many cries protesting the damage that filing a tax lien can cause in a taxpayer's life. We welcome the change and hope more of. There are many go...

05th May 2010

Goodword Islamic Studies

Goodword Islamic Studies are a series of ten books published by Goodword Books, publishers of Islamic books for children and adults. These Islamic books have been published by this Islamic bookstore with the aim of acquainting children with Islam and its ...

19th April 2010

Goodnight Stories from the Quran

Goodnight stories from the Quran by Saniyasnain Khan published by Goodword Islamic Books is the answer to every child's longing to hear a good bedtime story. It contains a careful selection of thirty three magnificent Quran stories told in age-appropriate...

26th March 2010

Face lift is for rejuvenation of your looks

Face is one the most important aspects of one's personality. No one likes wrinkles on his face. But ageing is not in our hands and it results into the formation of wrinkles as one gets old. Face lift provides people with an opportunity to have their f...

23rd March 2010

The Global Effects of Climate Change

Now-a-days we hear about Climate Change more often than before. Climate change is a global phenomenon and the term "Climate Change" is indeed a straightforward expression for such a complex subject. In fact, it has more than we can comprehend from this ph...

15th December 2009

Understanding climate change

Climate change can be defined as a change in climate variables, especially temperature and rainfall that occur gradually in a long period of time between 50 to 100 years. Besides it should be understood that the changes caused by human activity (anthropog...

16th April 2009

Travel Photography in Australia

"While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see." Dorothea Lange These words ring true every time you...

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