IRS, A Government Leviathan and the Right of Citizens

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The IRS is trying to improve and this is a truth that must be told. They have recently responded to the many cries protesting the damage that filing a tax lien can cause in a taxpayer's life. We welcome the change and hope more of.

There are many good people within the IRS who want to do good by the citizens of this country. But the IRS is a victim to the natural phenomena of a power that is aware of its power. It has become so big and so powerful that many a times an equal treatment in a normal conversation with the IRS is treated like a charitable giving to the taxpayer.

The IRS has a nefarious edict called "IRS bashing." If by any chance you are considered an IRS basher you may lose your license and thus it may threaten your livelihood. What this amounts to is self censuring. Case in point is this article. Is it an IRS bashing? I must ask my self. If I decided erroneously that it is not and the IRS said that it is, it can conceivable subject the writer to some sort of retaliation.

I have encountered many abusive occasions that I had to bite my tongue trying to restraint myself either out of fear for my clients' case or even fear for retaliation against me personally. I have had an IRS employee telling me basically that when she speaks I need to shut up. Another one told me that she will refer me to an ethics tribunal because I asked her for her manager's name and telephone number.

I know for a fact that the IRS will not condone this behavior because it is against the IRS policy and procedures. And that is precisely the point I am trying to make. When people have too much power they tend to put the law aside and they push the envelope. All you need is a citizen succumbing once or twice. Now it becomes an earned right to be superior and tyrannical. This happens with an IRS employee or the tyrants of the world. Power and human being is a formula for transgression.

What is the solution? I believe the IRS cannot be reformed when it comes to their abuse of power. The paradigm is the wrong one. We must look for another system, call it anything from sales tax to a value added to tax but not a filing system at the end of the year that may result in tax debt, property seizure, wage garnishment, bank levies and even putting a man, a free man behind bars.

Sooner or later the citizen of this country will find a way to replace the Leviathan with a smile at the cash register at the grocery store, "It is one hundred dollars plus your ten dollars national sales tax, sir. Slide your credit card here." End of the conversation

Tax resolution firm that offers tax relief for those with IRS debt, needing IRS audit representation, or need a wage garnishment or IRS levy release.

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