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Articles, tagged with "body temperature", page 1

13th August 2012

How Hired Air Conditioning Can Help Create the Right Office Temperature

Anyone who has ever worked in an unbearably hot and stuffy office environment will know that tempers can often soar. According to a uSwtichForBUSINESS survey, three quarters of workers admit to arguing with colleagues over office temperature control. And ...

18th November 2011

Tanning Salons and Seasonal Affective Disorder

This time of year a significant number of people are plagued by what is called This time of year a significant number of people are plagued by what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This comes on with the onset of winter and the cold and reduce...

16th June 2011

Number of elements to understand about Exergen Temporal Thermometer

If you genuinely wish to opt for the least difficult feature of acquiring specific warmth in the time fever; then an Exergen temporal thermometer would be the best choice for your needs. This unique measuring device is located being non-invasive naturally...

07th June 2011

Anti Ageing Creams - A Myth,or Reality?

You can look at all the graphic details of blemished skin, and oily glands - and wonder if there are practical steps you can take to get that perfect skin, that smooth beautiful skin. First, you do have to wonder about the wild advertising claims....

23rd May 2011

Basal Digital Thermometer: Reputable Medical related Tool

Basal digital thermometer is known to be the most current advancement for the temperature measuring trade which will help you in keeping an eye on the normal body's temperature all over the day and causing you to aware concerning the most fertile time per...

18th May 2011

Fertility Assessments for Ladies You Can Pick From

If you feel that fertility assessments are only meant for females who are in their forties, then you are terribly wrong. In truth, studies of these days disclosed that the age bracket of females who get these fertility tests have become decrease than anti...

09th May 2011

How To Lose Belly Fat - Hint, No Cardio, Situps, or Diet - Lose 4 inches belly fat in 26 days.

By yossi in Diet
eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, do situps, exercise more, and blah blah blah. What a joke! Want something new and exciting. and that's what I have for you. How to lose belly fat (in particular - losing four inches belly fat in 26 ...

08th April 2011

How to Make Your Skin Glow

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? The total weight of your skin is around 6 to 9 pounds and will cover an area of 2 square yards. It is your first protection against virus and bacteria attack also regulates your body temperatu...

03rd March 2011

The Answer to When Does Ovulation Take place

Several ladies wonder "when does ovulation arise?" If you are preparing to get pregnant, you have to know when you are ovulating. In a fertile cycle, a single egg is launched from your ovary every single month. The egg moves into your fallopian tube waiti...

15th February 2011

Toronto Skin and Hair Clinics

Toronto is a beautiful city of United states where the climate is similar to the rest of the parts of the country. The people of this place are welcoming and love to care about their skin and hair. Because of this, you will find a number of skin and hair ...

09th February 2011

Get Pregnant Fast - The Secret to Getting Pregnant When You Want To

The great thing about the world is that we can leave our legacy through our children. But what if you think you can't conceive? When you are past the stage of fertility it's even harder to get pregnant. What do you do then? The first thing I want you to ...

07th February 2011

Beauty skin care 'is vitally important'

Maintaining a good beauty skin care regime is vitally important, it has been suggested. Writing in the Daytona Beach News-Journal, dermatologist John Coppola noted that skin protects people from infection, helps keep their bodies keep at a steady tempe...

31st January 2011


The time of optimum fertility can vary even among those women with regular cycles. There are many options available to determine when you are ovulating. These range from commercially available test kits, as well as natural methods designed to assist in id...

31st January 2011

Changes To Your Body Temperature During Ovulation

It is possible to determine your most fertile days when you are ovulating by measuring your body temperature. During ovulation your body average temperature increases and this spike will indicate that you are ovulating and will also indicate your most fer...

18th January 2011

Winter Wear Safety Tips

Winter isn’t always the best time when it comes to your health especially without a proper winter wear. The extremely cold temperatures can be a source of illness. Children are especially vulnerable, because their heat retention capabilities are not reall...

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