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Articles, tagged with "sci fi", page 1

10th May 2013

Who's Thinking About New Blade Runner

During nineteen eighty two Ridley Scott pull the strings of BladeRunner, a nineteen eighties scifi flick fixed during twenty nineteen along with the center of the motion picture being in an metropolitan environment of the coming future. Rick Deckard stand...

10th October 2011

Finding A Craft You Enjoy At Any Age

Often we are involved with crafts as children, in art or sewing classes, but then once we get past a certain age we are no longer challenged to find something new, and something which we might really enjoy given half the chance. My Mum was artistic as ...

23rd September 2011

Lost in the Bunch

Do it now or pay later. Tips to organizing movie collections. Whether the collection is just a few DVDs or a Vidiot collection of several hundred, start organizing with the first movie. This will save the "where is that movie? It was right here yeste...

19th September 2011

Sci Fi autographs and Conventions

Some of the most collectable of autograph items are Star Wars autographs, followed closely by Star Trek collectibles and Star Wars memorabilia, however some Star Trek autographed items have fetched very high prices at autograph auctions. If you are a coll...

07th June 2011

Honor The Big 3-0 With ASurprise 30th Anniversary Themed Party

Plan a surprise 30th anniversary themed party complete with decorations, party supplies, invitations and of course party games. Throwing a themed anniversary party is makes wonderful surprise for the happy couple. Since the party is a surprise, it is no...

12th May 2011

Why audiobooks for children should not be overlooked

If there ever was in item to make you think "I wish I'd have thought of that," audio books for children are sure to rank up there with the best of them. Despite typically being a market for fiction or autobiography, the audiobook is something that shoul...

19th April 2011

Source Code (2011)

What Worked? History is never done with us. It may give us hints, blue-prints, and maybe even full control of the future. What if there was a technological advancement that allowed us to literally delve into the past for a little more than a handful ...

15th April 2011

This is an exciting time for teen fiction.

This is an exciting time for teen fiction. Ignited by the success of such stories as Harry Potter and Twilight, the genre's popularity only continues to grow. Here you can find information on all types of young adult literature, including historical ficti...

14th April 2011

Science Fiction Films Capture Fans' Creativity

When speaking of the various movie genres, the 1 that has almost certainly thrilled more audiences than any other is science fiction. Science fiction can be challenging to outline due to the fact that it contains a vast variety of sub-genres and themes th...

05th April 2011

Never Let Me Go (2010)

Director:Mark Romanek Genres:Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Rating:R Release Date:2010 September 15 Screenwriter:Alex Garland Starring:Andrew Garfield, Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Sally Hawkins What Worked? Sometimes films surpass the point o...

07th March 2011

Watch Movies Online For Free

Watching Movies can be done lawfully by the use Internet. In fact, it is very necessary to watch Movies Online legally. There are various Online Websites that are unlawful in nature. So, you require being very aware although preferring to watch Movies Onl...

28th February 2011

How To Watch Full Movie Online For Free

Nowadays every where you see that the amusement industry is become really very popular or acquiring more and more popularity in these days. Only the Entertainment industry is appealing People to relish or on other hand Games, Movies, Music, TV shows are t...

23rd February 2011

Breast Augmentation Using Your Own Stem Cells?

Breast augmentation is still an incredibly popular cosmetic surgery to get here in the US. Thousands of women opt for this surgery every year in an effort to either boost their breast size, or to correct some sort of asymmetry. Soon, women will have a v...

21st February 2011

Romance Novels are More Than Just Stories About Love

Romance books may be top sellers in the bookstores, but have you realized that they also contain important life lessons? These romance novels mirror the realities of life, love, and relationships. They are good for your heart, but most of all, they are ...

21st February 2011

TV Series in 2010

2010 has been another great year for those who like watching TV series. While the film industry keeps on shrinking, the TV series industry keeps on growing. Many of us would say that this is due to the economic crisis going on since 2008. It is cheaper...

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