Author Details

Alison wood

Member Since: 29th September 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


10th October 2011

Finding A Craft You Enjoy At Any Age

Often we are involved with crafts as children, in art or sewing classes, but then once we get past a certain age we are no longer challenged to find something new, and something which we might really enjoy given half the chance. My Mum was artistic as ...

12th August 2010

How to Make Your Own Paper (From Your Old Jeans)

Have you ever wished there was some use for your old, stained, mangled jeans? They're too thrashed to donate to charity or even to make a decent pair of cutoffs, but you hate to send them to the landfill. You could cut them into squares for a quilt, but...

10th August 2010

Perfume Making Secrets: 6 Top Tips

You've probably heard about many people making their own perfume and wondered if it's something that you too, can do in your spare time. You'll be happy to know that not only is it something you can do in the comfort of your home but it's something you'll...