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Articles, tagged with "feelings", page 12

26th November 2009

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Most of the people spend a huge amount of money by undergoing various kinds of treatment on their face. They spend a lot of time undergoing various treatments on the face. Face is the mirror of soul, it is said. Face reflects the feelings inside. If you a...

25th November 2009

Latest Buying ideas : Christmas presents

Christmas presents are exchanged in view to celebrate the birth of Jesus. When did this tradition started, no one can confirm that. Some hold the view that it started the very moment the three wise magi gifted baby Jesus with the most valuables. While som...

24th November 2009

Dealing with Demanding Children

Demanding children - children who have entitlement issues - seem to be common these days. Like the obnoxious child, Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, who was constantly demanding that her father get her whatever she wanted ("I want an ...

24th November 2009

Divorce Is Not An Excuse For Bad Parenting

After "till death do us part," there was the honeymoon, your first pet, and maybe even your first home. But nothing was as joyous as the day you found out that you had together brought another life into this world. That day you probably resolved to be the...

23rd November 2009

Can I Stop My Divorce Before It’s too Late?

Can I stop my divorce before it's too late? When a break down in a relationship happens it is hard to think straight. After you have thought about your marriage with your emotions somewhat under control and made your mind up that you want to fix the probl...

23rd November 2009

Do not File For Divorce Without Going through This Article

You might want to find a property evaluator to help you determine the market value of your house before a divorce is filed. Recognizing how much your home is worth can enable you to make clever decisions with your partner as to who acquire what. Do not be...

18th November 2009

A Lesson in Ballroom Dance Etiquette

Dance instructors have been teaching the world to dance for over 90 years; but what is also taught and often overlooked is the social skills and etiquette that accompany dancing. Outlined below are some common dos and do nots of which you might or mig...

17th November 2009

Having Hard Time Getting Pregnant? Don't Give Up Yet.

Having hard time getting pregnant? Don't give up yet. It seems that many couples go through the STRESS of trying to get pregnant. And I do mean stress because every month, when it is obvious that they have failed at it, there is added pressure trying t...

15th November 2009

Splendid Wicked San Francisco Show In Theatres Now

After going through hectic routines, you would definitely want to get some fun and entertainment. In this manner, the only source that can wipe off your tiresome feelings is Wicked San Francisco. Day by day, popularity of this theatre show is making place...

12th November 2009

Choose your favorite gemstone wisely

Gemstone has always fascinated human being. It may seem bit unusual but right from the beginning of human civilization even before the usages of stylish garments, men and women were wearing different types of stones. If we could have a philosophical thoug...

04th November 2009

How many actual, ‘in the trenches€™ friends do you feel you have?

Many people concur on some characteristics of a great friend: 1. You are able to trust each other which means that you have no secrets and you honor your vows, you are continually candid. 2. You can rely on each other for help when you are in some for...

30th October 2009

Ten Best Building Self Esteem in Your Teenager.

Adolescence is one of the most difficult times of life for both teenagers and their parents. As teenagers go out into the world, they are confronted with mixed messages about their looks, their behavior, and their attitude. Teenagers are particularly susc...

21st October 2009

Common Problems After a Divorce - How to Manage and Handle Them

Depending on if there are problems are after divorce there are numerous ways to handle them. Many types of problems might arise such as emotional, financial and even legal problems with your ex and obedience of the children. If you or your children are...

16th October 2009

Gifts for your beloved ones

Gifts are the symbol of love, the affiliation, the kindness, the florence, the closeness no matter how far you are from your loved ones in distance but gifts keep you together. The bond is much stronger than the rocks and the feelings are softer tha...

13th October 2009

What? My Child With an Anger Problem?

It happened again. You told little Timmy to pick up his toys one-too-many-times...and he just wouldn't stand for it, would he? So instead of picking UP his toys, he decided to throw them against the wall...which was nowhere near his toy box. What is he do...

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