Author Details

Kriya D

Member Since: 23rd November 2009
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


26th November 2009

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Most of the people spend a huge amount of money by undergoing various kinds of treatment on their face. They spend a lot of time undergoing various treatments on the face. Face is the mirror of soul, it is said. Face reflects the feelings inside. If you a...

26th November 2009

Breast Reduction Surgery For Women

Breast reduction surgery, is a term that is often associated with women. Usually, it is women who undergo this kind of surgery. They do it so because they are dis-satisfied with the size of their breasts. Women who have large breasts undergo the procedure...

26th November 2009

Know More About Breast Enlargement Surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery is fast catching up with women of all age. Women as young as those in 20's are opting for this kind of surgical method. The long term advantages of this kind of surgery are fuller breasts. Earlier only the rich could afford the ...

26th November 2009

Lose Arm Fat Through Exercise!

If you have gained weight of late, chances are that you might have put on weight on various parts of the body. You may also be having flabby arms. Most of the middle aged women find this to be a problem as they age. Most of the women resist from working o...