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Articles, tagged with "man kind", page 1

09th November 2011

Siddharth International Public School: Progressiveness Is The Key To Success

Siddharth International Public School, Sector 2, Rajender Nagar is managed by the Ravi Bharti Shiksha Samiti (Registered), that provides quality education for the kindergarten section. The school imparts education in both English and Hindi. The school ha...

10th May 2011

Creed Griffon - The Road To Dendura

I have to admit, I'm a twenty-eight year old person that loves to read YA, or young adult fiction. Perhaps you may say I'm a closet children's book reader. I recently began a quest to find a new young adult fiction best seller just after I read Twilight, ...

07th March 2011

Effluent treatment plants: - It effect everyone & everything on earth

With the increaser in factories and industries, there is a larger amount of chemicals, waste and effluents flowing into the water resources thus contaminating the natural resources and contributing to the reason of diseases to man kind. Thus, there is a n...

16th August 2010

Beauty Of Indian Landscape Captured in Art Paintings

India is enchanting, ancient land with the fascinating wealth of natural beauty our surroundings are full of life which are unique in their existence. The natural scenery as the forests, mountains trees, flowers, river valleys, stormy seas and the lakes o...

23rd February 2010

Smile Away the Frown Lines - Non Surgical Treatment!

Don't hold your expressions with the intention of concealing your facial lines, wrinkles or frown lines. Expression is the nature's gift to man kind and to express openly with out worrying about your wrinkles is a gift provided by non surgical treatment. ...

23rd February 2010

Beautification Through Botox!

Botox treatment is the recent invention to beautify the man kind. There have been efforts to fight against adverse effects of aging. Science has questioned the nature and is reversing the age factors. As one grows old what is the common thing that people ...

23rd February 2010

Sipping Away to Glory - Weight Loss?

Does sipping tea really help? What variety of tea must be used to burn fat? It should be green tea, lemon tea and lemon grass tea. These are herbal tea bags that are used to improve immunity and acts as an anti colon agent. It is said to improve your meta...

18th February 2010

Importance of Young Leaders in Global Issues!

The need of the hour is to discuss the global issues such as health care, global warming, industrial waste, poverty, agriculture etc. Nothing else is important at this point of time as population is increasing and one needs to know how to resolve the issu...

14th January 2010

Importance of Eating Fruits and Vegetables Uncooked

Nutrients are intact: Any food cooked beyond a certain temperature is not good for health. It is good to have food products in its original form specially veggies. Anti oxidants present in them are good for your hair follicles and skin too. Phytochemical ...

14th January 2010

Tips to Reduce Your Food Allergies

Food allergies, stomach problems and indigestion are often prevalent due to the modern life style. One must understand that there is a need to change the life style as it is not right. In the long run, it will deprive you of the essential enzymes and nutr...

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