Social security taxes are another important aspect in taxation

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A payroll tax is considered to be social security tax and this initiative was started by the government of United States. This tax is imposed on the organization and its employees.

The working or the labor class in America was living with difficulties and there was financial problem before the vast depression. Suppose if any person was devoid of any work then that particular person has no other way of supporting his family. Those who were old or sick, this problem were common with such kind of peoples. At that time there was no health scheme for the deprived ones especially for the old peoples. When there was no source of income it was not possible at all to go to hospitals as earning bread was very crucial for a single time rather than going to hospital. Daily expenses for the living were not afforded and the condition was supposed to be very crucial for them. In the year 1935 president of America Franklin d Roosevelt was the man to bring the final touch to this social security taxes and this initiative gradually worked in positive ways to slash the problem.

Facts about the tax levy

In the taxation the tax levy is the taxes which are levied in the money form. Tax collection is done by the agency of the government and no other body can do this tax collection. Tax is government headache and no other body can enjoy this right. If a person is paying tax on time then he can enjoy certain other things and some rebates are also given to him on various aspects. In few countries if water tax and electricity tax is paid completely then there is a provision of giving him few relief to house tax. In economics and politics the method of government expenditure and taxation is highly often raised in debate.

About the taxation

The income taxation is simple the tax imposed on the individuals income of that particular country and this is levied tax on the businesses including the legal entities and other corporations. This tax has to be paid and there is no excuse as per the norms and criteria which are drawn by the government.

Tax evasion is an offence

In any ways government has to collect interest from the individuals of the money talks country those who are enjoying fine standard of living and all kind of facilities that are run by the government. Hiding the money control is also a severe offence.

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