Micheal's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Meaning of property tax This property tax is uncommon and in every country the norms and conditions for the property tax varies. The tax percentage is decided by the tax department and everything is fid and has to be paid to the concerning authorities. This property tax often... http://www.articleheaven.net/meaning-of-property-tax-2179247.html 11th April 2011 Tax money and about it The money is the ultimate source for living and it is everything. If money would not have been there then it is useless to think off this world and many more things have just come from this basic idea which is money. If money would not have been there ... http://www.articleheaven.net/tax-money-and-about-it-2179232.html 11th April 2011 Social security taxes are another important aspect in taxation A payroll tax is considered to be social security tax and this initiative was started by the government of United States. This tax is imposed on the organization and its employees. The working or the labor class in America was living with difficulties ... http://www.articleheaven.net/social-security-taxes-are-another-important-aspect-in-taxation-2179228.html 11th April 2011 In tax, property tax is a way of revenue collection First of all it is necessary to understand the meaning of tax and that is whatsoever kind of wealth or assets anyone is possessing in the country has to pay tax for it. There is tax on almost everything and this tax collection is one of the important a... http://www.articleheaven.net/in-tax-property-tax-is-a-way-of-revenue-collection-2179223.html 11th April 2011