Robert Downey Jr & Zach Galifianakis Interview For Due Date

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I recently got to speak to both arguably the most charismatic man in Hollywood in Robert Downey Jnr, and the man with one of the greatest beard’s on earth, in Zach Galifianakis to talk about their new film Due Date. I was a massive fan of Todd Philips’ The Hangover, it gave me CONSTANT side splitting laughs, I’m happy to say Due Date also recieves my two thumbs up of approval – my sides were thoroughly split!

How do you feel when you get offered parts that aren’t entirely…..normal?

Zach Galifianakis: I only get….(laughs) I really haven’t got offered a lot of parts except by Todd, but they’re never normal. But I prefer that…l like it.

Robert Downey Jr: This just reminded me…this film had the potential to be like some of the films tonally that I’d grown up really enjoying and that have impacted me. But it has its own sensibility, obviously as a Todd Phillips movie, and then it was an incredibly creative venture.

When you are formulating some of the gags, did you wonder how far is too far?

Robert Downey Jr: Zach’s the wrong person to ask.

Zach Galifianakis: I think with Todd’s movies that’s the whole point – to go too far. And sometimes in comedy I would imagine you have to do that because so many beats have been done in movies before. But the good thing about Todd is that there are things like a masturbating dog, that you haven’t seen since the old silent films.

Robert Downey Jr: That’s the great thing about comedies, particularly with Todd at the front of that bloodline right now. I both see the process on the set, when we’re figuring out what to do with the scenes, and then at the early test screenings. There was this thing that was hugely outrageous, the moment in act three when Peter finally asks Ethan how his dad passed away, and Zach turned around and said, ‘oh, sharing needles’. We all thought, that’s so wrong and not funny, and Zach says, ‘let’s see what the audience think’. And they thought, ‘yeah that’s sick, I’m going to walk out’ (laughs).

Zach, you’ve worked with Todd on this, The Hangover, and now The Hangover 2. You work well together?

Zach Galifianakis: To be quite honest Todd’s my…

Robert Downey Jr: He’s your rock.

Zach Galifianakis: I’m very fortunate that Todd and I got to meet, as I don’t think I would’ve been given this big of an opportunity from other directors. We do work well together. I’m very appreciative of, and I think about it every day….Because he texts me to remind me.

How did you develop your onscreen chemistry?

Robert Downey Jr: [to Zach] Don’t just stand there with glistening eyes, answer the f***ing question!

Zach Galifianakis: Yes sir! Erm….

Robert Downey Jr: He’s formulating his answer to the question now, while he stumbles getting ready to answer the question.

Zach Galifianakis: I think you’re seeing the chemistry in action. This is basically how it went down each morning – insults, insults, insults and then somehow magically and beautifully some of that energy was put into the movie [turns to Robert]. Pretty good answer, huh?

Robert Downey Jr: We’re actually going to have to call somebody in to do his answers this afternoon I think.

Due Date is in cinemas now.

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