Risk Involved In getting Cosmetic Surgery Done

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While many cosmetic surgeries are done to correct a disfigurement due to an accident or birth defect the majority of the cosmetic surgery procedures done today are purely for aesthetic reasons. Many Hollywood stars resort to plastic surgery to maintain their youthful appearance so they can keep working and to some degree this "look good at all costs" mindset has trickled down to the masses to the point where some teens want cosmetic surgery as birthday or Christmas presents.

The one thing that is often overlooked by many people though is that no matter if you're getting a facelift or tummy tuck plastic surgery is a medical procedure and there are risks involved that should be seriously considered before going under the knife.

It has a broad field and is sometimes confused over reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive surgery is used to correct congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, or the effects of disease like breast reduction, cleft palate surgery and birthmark removal, whilst it isn't much associated with necessary reconstruction. It's more about improving looks for aesthetic purposes such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction.

There is a wide variety of cosmetic surgeries from facelifts, tummy tuck to rhinoplasty. Almost every part of the human body can be enhanced through it. Before, this procedure was for the rich and elite and was then considered as a taboo. Overtime it has been socially accepted and is even performed on a wide variety of social classes. It has increased its popularity due to the demand and the need for people to look better and improve their current physical state. With this reason, it is now a billion dollar industry.

The most common are:
The liposuction
Liposuction is in many ways similar to the tummy tuck surgery where the objective is to remove excessive fats and skin from the abdomen. There are several methods of undertaking a liposuction: laser therapy and the radio frequency.

Breast Surgery
There are two types of breast surgeries: the breast implantation surgery and the breast argumentation surgery. The breast implantation surgery is for women desire to enlarge their breasts. This operation therefore increases the size of the breasts. For the women who want to reduce the size of their breasts, which might be sagging because of breast-feeding and old age, they undergo through a breast argumentation surgery.

Hair Implants
This type of cosmetic surgery is becoming a very popular type of surgery and it is most common with male celebrities. Artificial hair is implanted in the bald scalp of an individual.

Also helped vastly by plastic surgery are women who have lost both of their breasts due to cancer. The breasts are the most overtly feminine part of any woman and there is a large amount of psychological pain tied up in the physical loss of them. Doctors today can rebuild and reshape the body in ways now where the breasts can look like they did before the surgery. Utilizing pre-operation photos they can attempt to get the body back to the way it was. Although this does not remove the trauma of going through something like this it is a healing step toward feeling whole again for some women.

Read more about Plastic Surgery India and also about Hair Transplant Clinic India

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