Robet morkal's Articles en-us Hair Transplant Cost In India And Options and Procedures Hair Transplant Surgery has come a long way in the past two decades as the new additions and refinements in this specific form of surgery for the balding heads, has taken it to new heights. Baldness in most men is caused by genetic predisposition. Most ... 15th August 2011 Risk Involved In getting Cosmetic Surgery Done While many cosmetic surgeries are done to correct a disfigurement due to an accident or birth defect the majority of the cosmetic surgery procedures done today are purely for aesthetic reasons. Many Hollywood stars resort to plastic surgery to maintain th... 03rd May 2011 Procedure of Hair Transplant Does Not Cost Much Hair restoration surgery today for aesthetic (not reconstructive) purposes almost exclusively involves only hair grafts taken from the back of the head and transplanted to areas of hair loss. Larger flaps and scalp reductions are rarely practiced today fo... 31st March 2011 Breast enlargement surgery increase the size of the breasts Breast Enlargement Surgery, or Breast Augmentation, is a surgical procedure performed to increase the size of one's breasts using a medical implant. The implant is normally made of silicone with saline or a silicone gel filled in it. It is inserted into t... 31st March 2011 Need for cosmetic surgery is common in females There are some people who, once they decide to have plastic surgery, seem to be a hurry to get the procedure done. They do not research the procedures they are interested in prior to contacting a potential surgeon so they don't know what questions to ask,... 30th March 2011 NZ Facts From an Immigrants Perspective So where exactly is New Zealand? New Zealand lies two thousand km South East of Australia, roughly a three hour flight and was formed by two techtonic plates moving closer together. Believe it or not New Zealand is still "growing" as these plates are s... 17th February 2011 Cosmetic Surgery Future in India A new horizon of the medical field cropping out in India is cosmetic surgery, which utilizes some of the state of the art techniques in corrective procedures. India has a talent pool of qualified cosmetic surgeons, a lot of whom have been trained in the U... 15th February 2011 Cosmetic Surgery - Benefits and Risks What is Cosmetic Surgery? Cosmetic surgery offers individuals the choice to change and improve their appearance. Cosmetic surgery should not, however, be taken lightly. It should not be trivialized and its risks should not be underrated as often occurs... 15th February 2011 Common Causes Of Hair Loss Beauty is one of the most important things a woman wants. Even if some people may believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, many desire to portray themselves in the most beautiful way they think they should be. One of the biggest setbacks a wo... 07th February 2011 Why To Choose India For Cosmetic Surgery Getting plastic surgery overseas can be risky and dangerous option if you don't do your research properly. There are many horror stories about people going overseas to have plastic surgery and then having to go back to their home country to 'fix' their su... 07th February 2011 Reasons Why Most People Get Cosmetic Surgery. Plastic surgery has steadily gained in popularity over the past few decades, becoming a widely accepted practice for celebrities and "real people" alike. But the widespread use of cosmetic surgery has created a secondary problem for some patients: a plast... 20th January 2011 Plastic Surgery Is A Surgical Procedure When it comes to cosmetic surgery, there is no room for mistakes. The surgery is precise and ultimately the person performing the procedure needs to have a touch that is perfect. With all forms of surgery, it is necessary for a doctor to be well educated ... 20th January 2011 Hair Transplant Techniques - Relatively A New Phenomena Hair transplant is relatively a new technique. The problem of hair loss is very common in men and women . Hair are considered to be the most important feature of human personality. Continue hair fall lead to baldness. Earlier, there were some option left ... 19th January 2011 Look Younger To Plastic Surgery There was a time when plastic surgery was associated with the celebrities, movie stars or rich people only. But now the time has changed, and the popularity of plastic surgery is increasing day by day among common people as everyone wants to look younger ... 18th January 2011 Cosmetic Surgery and Its Advantages Cosmetic surgery has been given a bad reputation. To some it's considered shallow and superficial. It is a waste of time in some people's eyes. What you may or may not know, it can improve self-image. It can make people feel better about getting older. It... 18th January 2011