Proper hair care can prevent some alarming problems of hair

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Hair care is one of the important parts of our health care. In the present day we can see the rate of pollution in our environment. Not only environment but other facts like sweat, dandruff problem, dirtiness of hair, skin diseases of hair everything can make your hair more prone to fall and create thinness of your hair. Watching this you will become more and more panic stricken and will be thinking about this all day in and all night out and as a result of this your hair problem will surely be increased, nothing else. For all of these problems you can have your solution from herbal cure. Ayurveda with its array of natural and harmless things can cure all these problems. But before ayurvedic treatment you have to know some basic things to care of your hair follicle. All these things are very common and are known to us all. We just do not take all these things carefully and seriously and that is why our problems get denser than before.

We do not look at our hair until they become more vulnerable and start to fall to an abnormal extent. So, taking hair care is not using various kinds of shampoo and conditioner and going to parlors weekly. It is more than that. You have to know the texture of your hair first, the life of your hair. The length of your hair also determines the process. To know about this you can consult your hair expert first and then do it yourself. To know the proper diet and hair care routine is very important coz what we think is that hair care routine means some common attributes and are same for any type of hair. Unfortunately it is wrong.

Do not ignore washing of your hair every alternate day. It is very important. In practical the dirt particles and pollutants create a layer on your scalp and this layer weaken the root of your hair follicle. Dandruff is also created fir this reason. Instead of chemical shampoo and conditioner with other hair products try to use herbal shampoo and other hair products. They are less harmful and hair friendly that a chemical product. Using of right hair products is also very important. Know your hair type and then apply necessary products on your hair. If you have dry hair then use only moisturizing mild shampoo, if you have oily hair then never ever use oil based shampoo but choose a shampoo which helps you to get rid of the extra oiliness of your hair and scalp. Normal hair type is very easy to wash. Always avoid strong chemical shampoo because it contains harmful elements which can leave your dry and rough.One who wants to solve hair problems with ayurveda for those people shikakyee can be a good substitute for a chemical shampoo. Mix egg white, onion, China rose and card well with shikakyee and use this mixture as your shampoo. It is pure, healthy and harmless.

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